-Sand and Daisies-

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(Elizabeth's POV)

I slowly sat up from my position on the warm sand with no memory of how I ended up there in the first place.

I jumped up and looked around fast, as though someone would rise from thin air and tackle me where I stood.  Though there was not a soul present.

Soon enough I decided to walk around the beach where I seemingly just ended up.

No matter how far I walked it was all just beach.  After quite a while of walking about aimlessly I sat back down and closed my eyes hoping silently that someone I knew were with me.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice call my name.  I opened my eyes and realized I was  on the Black Pearl in the captains quarters with Will at my bedside.

"Are you alright Elizabeth?  You passed out."  He said with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes... I'm alright."  I responded looking down at the blankets covering my legs.

'I suppose it was only a dream then.'  I thought, slowly getting out of bed.

Thankfully I was still fully clothed so I didn't have to worry about that.

Will and I walked out of the captains quarters and onto the main deck.  Being greeted by Gibbs as soon as I felt the cool sea breeze on my face.

"Where's Jack?"  I asked to no one in particular, in hopes that someone would answer my question.

"He said he had some special business to attend to in Tortuga."  Gibbs answered while looking at the water below us.

"Alright then."  I said.

Without warning Will fell to the ground.  Some members of the crew ran over to check on him.  I knelt down and felt his forehead.

"He's... so cold!"  I gasped staring in worry at my husband.

"Quick get him to a hammock!"  A crew member yelled before someone picked him up and walked down to the cabin.

I was about to follow when Gibbs interjected "If you don't mind I need ye up here lass."  He said.

"I don't mind."  I replied sounding a bit anxious.

"He'll be alright.  He's a strong one."  Gibbs said with a look of reassurance.

  (Will's POV)

I awoke to the sound of waves crashing against the shore.  I had no idea where I was or how I got there.

I remember that I was talking with Mr. Gibbs and Elizabeth when I started falling backwards.  I got up still trying to remember what happened.

I heard an odd noise coming from further up the beach.  It sounded like strained breathing of some sort.

I walked carefully over to where the sound was but as I arrived it suddenly stopped.  I looked down at the ground to see a lonely daisy growing out of the dry sand.

I knelt down and closed my eyes to smell the flower.  When I opened my eyes I was in the cabin of the Black Pearl on a dark grey hammock.

It was dark in the cabin, it looked like I had been asleep for a while since when I originally passed out it was about midday.

I slipped out of the hammock still a bit groggy.  I walked up the stairs and saw Gibbs by the wheel.

"What time is it?"  I asked as I walked up behind the man.

"Well hello.  It's about... 12 pm."  He said looking at the sky for a moment.

"I slept for so long... and I had the weirdest dream."  I said.

"I've had some weird dreams myself, Turner.  What about?."  He asked not taking his eyes of the sky.

I walked up closer to him and sat down giving him a glance from the corner of my eye.

"I was on this... island except it was only sand.  No trees or anything.  I was by the beach.  I started walking away from the shore and into the middle of the island but... I couldn't, it was almost like something didn't want me to see anything else beyond... I decided that I would just walk along the ocean.  I thought I heard crying or some sort of small animal.  When I got closer the sound stopped.  When I looked down there was a single daisy just sitting on the sand.  I smelled it and then I woke up."  I told Gibbs what happened in my dream.  It was so confusing to me.

"Well... that was sure something Turner.  It sounds a lot like the one Elizabeth had when she passed out this morning."  He said turning to me.

"Something's going on, I just hope it doesn't have to do with the Captain..."  Gibbs said looking back up at the stars.

A/n --- Look Friends!  I started writing finally.  I feel so proud of myself!

I just hope you're proud of my work as well.

Thanks for reading, I'll do my best to update soon!

So long.

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