-The Cause Of Chaos-

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         | = (-~-~- Captain Jack's POV -~-~-) = |

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(Takes place just before Elizabeth passed out! :] )

I was in the wine seller gathering some... things.  For my visit to Tortuga.  I was going there to meet with a certain person of interest.  Me and this person were going to make a sort of accord. 

 It had to do with an item I came across during one of my awesome adventures.  It was a small item that was said to bring it's holder to great fortune.

  As I finished gathering the proper payment I set off on my journey.  I walked up the worn stairs and onto the main deck.  I saw Mr. Cotton and his Parrot at the wheel.

Walking slowly, I went over to the rail and looked down into the water.  I stood there for a moment before a shine caught my eye.  I gave it a glance and saw a small bottle.  Only about 3 inches high floating in the water.

I hear a squawk from behind me and to my dismay Mr. Cottons parrot was flying straight at me.  I quickly duck down and narrowly miss a claw to the face. 

"Why did you do that?!"  I yell at it.  It simply keeps flying, ignoring me completely.  I was shocked to see that it dove down behind the railing and towards the water.

I rushed to see where it went.  With a surprised look on my face I saw the parrot fly back up with the bottle in its beak.

"Smart bird.."  I mutter under my breath.  It flies past me and back to its trainer.  The bottle was still snugly kept in its hold.

As soon as it sat down on Cottons shoulder I heard a smash from bellow deck.  "What in the blazes was that?"  I ask to myself.

"Death By These Waters!"  The parrot shouted, presumably at me.  "What's that supposed to mean?"  I asked.  Hoping to get a response.  Cotton just looked at me and shrugged.

"Well alright then, I'm off."  I said, walking over to the long boat.  Since the rest of the crew was staying on board there was no use in docking the Pearl.  I was going to be gone a day as well, so the crew was just going to stay on the open waters.

I left before I could even catch a hint of the chaos that was occurring below deck.

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                  | = (-~-~- Flashback -~-~-) = |

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{- - -(3rd Person)- - -}

Y/n walked through cobbled streets.  Although it was raining they weren't necessarily sad nor happy.  With no umbrella to shield them from the downpour they started to quicken their pace.  

Where they were headed they wouldn't need an umbrella anyways.  Where were they headed, you might ask dear reader?  They were headed to a secret spot.  A secret spot they shared with their favorite two people in the world.

They arrived at their first destination with muddied and slightly torn clothes.  They made it to the edge of town where there was an old abandoned shed just waiting for them.

Y/n looked around a bit before entering the shed through a small hole in the side, just big enough for them to fit.  Inside the worn down shed, was a lot of clutter.

But one piece of rubble stood out in the hoard.  It was a moderately sized wooden crate.  Y/n stared down at the wood and said "A castle fit for a king." Sarcastically of course.  (It was a box after all.)

The contents of the box started to shuffle and scratch at the wooden barricades blocking it from meeting the person standing outside.

"One moment."  Y/n said, bending down and lifting the lid from the walls.  As soon as they did they were met with a face full of feathers.  "B/N!" (Birds name)  Y/n shouted, scolding the bird for jumping at them.

B/n landed on their shoulder and nuzzled into their neck.  "I'm glad to see you too my friend.  Now we have to get going okay?  We can't be late."  They said.

B/n squawked in recognition.  Y/n and B/n set off to their second destination together.  B/n couldn't fly well in the rain so it just decided to sit on Y/n's shoulder, snuggling in closer for warmth.

They had traveled almost 20 minutes through the rain when they reached their secret spot.  It was a small jungle area near the sea.  The shrubbery was nice and green.  It gave off a homey feeling that Y/n could trust.

Y/n and their bird friend hid under some trees and waited for the rain to stop.  Little did they know the figure that had been watching them rest was about to act.

A/N:  Hi friends!  I hope this chapter is okay.  I tried I guess!  Anyways, just thought I'd mention last chapter was 666 words.  If you want you can give me some criticism.  Sorry for the slow updates.  See you!  :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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