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"What the hell did I tell you! now I'm all wet, my fur is RUINED." I yelled at Plantix. fighting back my tears, I continue.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! i-i thought I told them to keep their distance i-"

"I dont want to hear it! nobody listens to you anyway. your too nerdy and..weird. and your fur is the color of throwup. no wonder they didn't listen!"

I yelled, still very angered. my fur, my beautiful fur! it's all ruined.

"get out of my face! I don't wanna talk to you anymore! don't even look at me you skunk!" I yelled once more, raising my paw doing so. stared at her as she ran off, crying. ofcourse. if she had just told them properly this wouldn't have happened.

"what the hell are yall looking at? this is your fucking fault you know." they all stared, and kept swimming. no, not swimming, splashing. 'ugh!' I thought as I ran out.

"Fucking morons." I mumbled, carrying my tail as I didn't want it dragging on the floor, now that its..wet it'll pick it up more easily.

not paying attention, I bumped into someone.

"watch it shitface! can't you see I'm fucking walking here!?" I said shoving them, but they didn't move.

"Yeah I saw you, but that didn't mean I had to move, you were the one not looking anyway, dumbass." the slightly taller, red goot said to me.

"I didn't fucking ask! just move it! you bowl of piss!" How could he say something like that to ME! how rude!!

"YOU asked actually. don't catch attitude with me if you can't even remember what you said. but I'm not about to sit here and argue with a moron like you." the goot said walking away.

"You- YOU!!.." I was speechless. my day has been absolutely RUINED! how irritating. ————————————————————————————————————
My fur had finally dried enough, and I'd brushed it out.

'I should go to the Library, it's more peaceful there, and usually nobody's there.' I thought as I got up and walked towards the ladder.

'Cmon, you wanna cum don't you? then do it right here. right infront of me.'
the book read.

"Damn. maybe I should take a break from this book." I said as I closed it. I feel like I'm being watched, I feel slightly ashamed now.

'I should get to bed.' I thought to myself, before dozing off.
'Ugh, my hurts.' I thought, opening up my eyes, I see a light shinning brightly into my eyes.

I hissed at the light. "What the hell!? where- where am i-"

"Shut up!" I heard a voice hell. "Your fucking crazy for thinking I'm going to listen to you!" I yelled back.

"Your going to listen, or your fucking tail is coming off." I shuttered at that.

"F-fine." I say, actually..scared now. I should try to get up.

"Dont even try, we strapped you in." we? there's more? there's more humans?..after me..?

"I- w- what do you want!" I hissed at the Old looking human.

"To figure out how you work. how you go invisible when hit, I want to figure it out."
I'm fucked.

"We-well your not going to hurt me, are you?"

"Well, I can't make promises."

the lights shut off after the boom happend.

"What- what the hell!?" The strange man yelled.

"Where are the-" He yelled, starting to get muffled, which was odd.

"GhostFox? GhostFox can you hear me?"
"hhhmmm..." I grumbled as I woke up, in a surprisingly warm area.

The..Garden..? did..did I not move? was that all a dream? I wondered, so many different questions coming at once.

"GhostFox? are you awake now?" I nodded in response, rubbing my head.

"I dimly lit the garden for you, I figured it would do your eyes some good."

she smiled warmly at me, despite the rudeness and cruelty I showed her earlier. I feel like an asshole for that now.

"Hey..I'm sorry. I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier, how I treated you before."

"You say that like you'll change. it doesn't matter how much you apologize to me, it won't fix how you've hurt me." She sighed,
Fear and regret now forming on her face.

"Never-nevermind what i said." She smiled awkwardly at me.

"...Whatever, I don't even know why I apologized. especially to you." I said, seeing Plantix, with a blank expression.

"We'll enjoy your nap, hope I made it comfy." Plantix said, laying next to, her already sleeping brother Figs.

(Yeah, I made another book, cry🐈‍⬛)

(not gonna lie, this was originally supposed to be Hazzy x GhostFox, Hazzy was the one GhostFox tried to push, maybe it'll be all 3? I'll have to think about it)

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