chapter 2 he bites

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Sirius ran into step with James as he was crossing the lawn to where Evans was with that...thing.

"You foul some little cockroach!" James shouted at Remus. Remus didn't even realize that James was there until he shouted at him. "What do you want Potter ?!" Lily shouted back. "Get out of here,if you haven't noticed,we're busy !" That just seemed to infuriate James even more. "Oh you were busy all right ! Your faces were literally stuck together !!" Lily's face went a bright shade of red,like a strawberry. "Why do you even care....POTTER?! " lily spat the last word out. Sirius turned to Remus. "I uh don't want to budge in or annthing..but um Remus knows why perfectly fine..." Sirius muttered not looking at Remus.

"What is he talking about?" Lily asked. This was the first time that Remus looked actually guilty. "Well it's just that um...well James he kinda likes you..." He started,not looking at her. "I know,but I don't like him,I like you. And if he's got a problem with that hr can deal with me !" James looked taken aback. How could she say that to him ? No girl ever said no to him. Ever.

"Evans I don't think you know what you're loosing" he said with a smirk beginning to creep up on his face. "Don't worry I'm not loosing much." Her words felt like knives peircing through his torso.

"You know what ?! FINE!! I don't care !! Be with a loser like him ! Just be careful he bites !"

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