Chapter 17

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"Leo, we are sorry but-"

"Now, what dad? Without asking Me and James you guys filed Divorce papers?" Leo sounded sad

Mr. Lee & Mrs. Lee were looking down, since Leo is scarry when his angry...


"No, Mom! You guys don't care about us at all! All you care about is yourselves" Leo sounded even more hurt

"Son, it's not like that. We both love you" Mr. Lee tried to confront his son

"Really? Then, why are you making us go through this?"

"I- son look even if we separate, we are still your parents" Mr. Lee was out of words now

"You are not" James sobbed

"James, please don't say this" Mrs. Les got sad

"If our opinions don't matter to you guys, why shall your opinions matter to us?" Leo spoke before leaving

"Leo" Mrs. Lee tried to stop him

"Hyung is right" James also got up

"JAMES" Mr. Lee tried hard to stop him but James was too stubborn


Sangwon was taking a nap in the afternoon so he woke up and now it was already 6:30 PM. He was a little confused when he didn't find Leo next to him but he eventually rushed to got up as he has a job interview in an hour. First thing, he did was taking a shower, then he brushed his teeth. He got all dressed up. And now was ready to go~

It was the nearby café. It took Sangwon only 5 minutes to go there.

"Hello" Sangwon bowed the manager

"Sangwon, you are pretty early" The manager grinned

"I think so, Mr. Shin" Sangwon was a little shy

"Okay, so Sangwon I don't have to interview you because someone said they know you and they told me about you, so I think you can work here" Mr. Shin spoke in hurry

"Who is it?" Sangwon asked

"You'll know him, okay?" Mr. Shin spoke before leaving a dumbfounded Sangwon

"Who could it be?" Sangwon spoke under his breath

Sangwon was happy that he finally found another job and it pays him even better salary. While, walking by the alley Sangwon heard someone scream, it made Sangwon stop walking and frozen



As soon as Sangwon heard it he replied back



As the person didn't reply back Sangwon decided to go and walk to the darkest alley. Sangwon kept asking if the person is still there until he arrived and saw it's Seoljin...

"Seoljin?" Sangwon got shocked

"Sangwon, please help me. His trying to kill me"

"Don't be scared I'm coming" Sangwon tried to climb the small hill

"BACK OFF" The guy shoved a gun on Seoljin's neck

"Please! Please don't kill her! I'll give you whatever you want" Sangwon begged the guy in Balaclava mask

"You are gonna pay back? This girl has been taking drugs from me for 4 months and she hasn't paid yet, she threatened one of our man and our drug lord ordered me to kill him" The guy spoke

"WHAT? PLEASE DON'T!" Sangwon got scared

"This bitch is dying today"

"Sangwon, I'm sorry please forgive me my friend, I'm guilty. I'm sorry for all the things I have done to you, I know I'm terrible. Please forgive me, I'm so sorry" Seoljin cried while apologizing

"SHUT UP" The masked guy shouted

"Look, we can sort this out, okay? Please don't kill her, okay? If you let her live she'll forget about everything and won't complain to the police. We will forget about what happened today-"

"NOO I'll complain to the police" Seoljin sobbed

"Fuck" Sangwon spoke under his breath with disappoinment

"I'm shooting her" The guy finally lost all of his patience

"SANGWON! SANGWON!" Seoljin screamed in fear

"NO! DON'T! DON'T!" Sangwon shouted

The guy looked at him

"Easy my friend take it easy, we can discuss this really come, okay?" Sangwon softened his voice

"Why should I?" The guy got confused

"Because we are buddies. We can talk about this in a calmer way, friend? Now, should I climb up or you climb down?" Sangwon asked

"You called me a friend but, should I really trust you?" The guy got confused

"Of course like I gave you two options, now you choose" Sangwon was playing it cool

"I'll climb down" The guy was bending to put his weapon down

Soon, Sangwon gestured Seoljin to throw sand in his eyes

Seoljin did it

"ARGHHHH" The guy yelled

Seoljin climbed down as soon as she can while the guy was still struggling.

Then, both Sangwon and Seoljin started to run. They ran really fast that they left the dark alley really soon.

They both kept running until they reached Green Bay Street where Sangwon lives. Now, both of them were panting...


"Don't, don't, don't!" Sangwon cut Seoljin off

"Please lis-" Seoljin tried to speak

"I knew your apology was fake" Sangwon crossed his arms

"Sangwon, what do you mean? I thought we were friends?" Seoljin faked a smile

"Friends?" Sangwon laughed

Seoljin was still smiling

"Anyways, what is this? Can I ask?" Sangwon asked showing her a packet of drugs

"This are mine! Give it to me!" Seoljin tried to grab them from Sangwon's grip but she couldn't

"Uh-huh! Too late" Sangwon chuckled showing her the number 112 (Korean police's number)

"You little piece of shit!" She tried to slap him

But, Sangwon grabbed her hand

"You are going to jail miss" Sangwon smirked

"How did you?"

"I knew it all I've already seen them on your bag that day but, I wasn't sure if it was real but, today turns out you really belong there" Sangwon spoke

Soon, the cops arrived and held Seoljin.

"Mr. Lee, thanks for calling us. We have been looking her for a while now. She doesn't only take drugs but, also blackmails, manipulates and cyber bullies people too" The police spoke

Sangwon nodded

The police handcuffed Seoljin and now she was sitting on the car

Sangwon came closer

"You know what? I never really meant the apologies you got it right!" Seoljin spoke while shedding tears

"And you know what? I never forgave you and this is all karma. No wonder why Leo hyung rejected you so many times! Anyways, enjoy your time in there Yu Seoljin" Sangwon spoke before leaving.

He was really happy, not just because what she did to him, but other people also got justice because of him. Sangwon was proud of himself.

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