Jerza One Shot

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*This is a spoiler for all those who haven't seen episode 154 or read chapter 264*

Jellal was ontop of Erza as they breathed heavily from their unexpected fall.  

Erza knew she should hate Jellal for all the evil things he had done to her, Simon's death, the Tower of Heaven...but se couldn't. 

"I....thought I was never going to be able to see you again" Erza whispered as a tear rolled down her face. 

"E-Erza...." Jellal breathed as he slowly carresed her cheek, wiping away the tear. 

He brushed a scarlet lock of hair to reveal her beautiful, teary eyes. Erza lifted her hands and gently placed them on Jellal's face. 


His eyes widened while his heart beat increased. 

"Erza" he said softly. 

The atmosphere around them was peaceful and calm, surrounded by various plants and fireflies. It was perfect. It was just them, all alone together and nobody else. 

Erza's lips parted as Jellal slowly began to lean down to her. She could feel his warm breath tickling her lips. Now their lips were just inches away about to touch.. 

Jellal closed his mouth and pushed Erza away from him in a flash which left Erza shocked and embarrassed. Jellal removed his gaze from Erza and looked at the ground. 

" I....I...I can't" he breathed heavily. " I..I have a fiancé.." His head slowly rose to see Erza's reaction who was now frozen and had an emotionless expression on her face.  

" WHAT YOU HAVE A FINACE!?" Erza yelled passionately. 

" y-yes" he sighed. 


" was my fault I shouldn't ha-" 

" no no no it was me I'm sorry hm hm." Erza calmed herself and said," is she dear to you?" 

"" Jellal nodded quietly. 

Erza stood up and held out a hand to Jellal who grabbed it firmly.  

Erza smiled sweetly" I'm sorry but I have to go back to the inn now, I'm late"  

" yes..." Jellal frowned. " I'll see you soon"  

Erza smiled again and walked away. She was dying inside. She wanted Jellal so badly, she loved him ever since they were kids and he has a fiancé? " of course he has a fiancé Erza it's been 7 years..." She muttered to herself as she walked down the rocky path. Then It hit her. " he couldn't even look me in the eye when he said it. lied to me!" She cried  

She ran back to the inn as fast as she could and flopped down onto her bed and began to cry.

Over the next few days at the Grand Magic Games she did her best to avoid any contact with Jellal. She was in too much pain to even look at him.  

One night she was walking home from the arena and felt a strong hand grab hold of her arm and another across her mouth. The figure turned her to face them as a shine of blue hair Caught Erza's eye. She gasped as her heart skipped a beat.  

" J-Jellal" she whispered  

"Shhhhhhhh" he hissed as he pressed a finger to his lips.  

" w-what are you doing!!?" 

"Erza I need to talk to you, it's about the evil magic I sensed in previous years. It's here" 

Erza was in shock. He was just going to pretend that nothing had happened? That he never lied? " Raven Tail have been disqualified from the completion due to breaking the rules. I think they have something to do with it and when Cheria used her sky god felt as if Zeref was present.  

" mm.." Erza hummed, reluctant to give him a worthy response. 

" w-what's wrong Erza?" He said in confusion. 

" ahaha... " she laughed " please Jellal, give me a break." 

" what are you talking about?" His voice a little sterner. 

" you lied to me Jellal." His eyes widened and his head dropped. 

" with everything we've been through together, I thought at least we could be truthful to one and other." Flames were rising inside of her as she began to get even more angry.  

Jellal didn't speak but his expression was full of guilt.  

" E-Erza I can exp-" 

" I know that I can be rude and arrogant and scary sometimes so I can understand you not wanting to kiss me but the fact that you lied in my face....I would have just prefered you tell me the truth instead of a cold blooded lie!" She was shouting now as the tears ran down her face.  

It''s not like that Erza..please just let me explain" he could feel tears in his eyes but elf then back. 


" it's not that I didn't want to kiss you...I did...I do...more than anything but...I...I can't" he said quietly. " I can't let myself fall in love with someone who walks in the light... Who is good and honest...when I walk in the dark..full of sins and hatred"  

"Erza....I can't hurt you anymore than I already have done...I can never forgive myself for what i did to you...I just can't." Erza took a step closer to him. 

" Jellal.....I forgive you..." She looked up at him to see his face full of tears. She wiped his face with her hand. 

" Erza...don't..please." He gently took hold of her wrist and placed it by her side. 

" but Jellal yo-" 

" I don't deserve this.."  

" Jellal you can't keep doing this to yourself! How many times do I have to say that I forgive you! Just because you have commited sins in the past doesn't mean you have to hate yourself for te rest of your life! Everybody makes mistakes! Nobody is perfect.. We all have our own regrets but we move on, and that's how we get stronger. Not by self loathing!" 

" Erza please...I- I can't" 

She took another step to him and took his face in her hands. 

She smiled through her tears and whispered " yes you can" 

She moved closer still until her lips were inches away from his.  

" E-Erza.." He moaned reluctantly. But Erza wasn't going to give up. 

"Ple-...don't" he whimperd. 

She slowly and softly pressed her lips against his as butterflies rose in her stomach.  

Jellal didn't close his eyes as he was so shocked but they slowly fluttered down as he kissed her back. Erza's fingers ran through his electric blue hair as Jellal's hands found their way to Erza's back and began caressing her. Their lips melted together perfectly and Erza knew that she loved him and Jellal knew he loved her. Their lips both parted as they broke the kiss. They both smiled breathlessly. 

" Erza I'm not good for you..please I don't want to hurt you again" 

She traced the tattoo beneath his eye. 

" but you're perfect for me...I...I love you Jellal" 

Jellal leaned into Erza and kissed her passionately. Her hands ran down his muscular chest and he whispered " I love you too Erza Scarlet"

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