Hyung Has Had Enough!

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The fighting had been constant for a  good four days. Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't stop bickering and screaming at eachother. Nobody was too sure how the fighting had even started. The older members knew it had something to do with Taehyung claiming Jungkook was talking about him behind his back to one of his other friends but Jungkook swore it was just a rumor and it wasn't true. He'd even shown him texts to try and prove his innocence but Taehyung told Jungkook he clearly just deleted everything.

Dance practice was less than productive for the two. Hobi was constantly having to tell them both to keep their mouths shut during rehearsals because they were finding every opportunity to spit profanities at eachother. Jungkook would purposely keep running into Taehyung so he'd mess up his dance steps and Taehyung would scream at him and push him to the floor.

The hyungs were at a loss of what to do. They had tried to make the two talk it out and even screamed at them multiple times about how they needed to stop the fighting, but the two maknae's didn't care to listen. Taehyung was mad at Jungkook and Jungkook was mad at Taehyung for being mad at him. It was an endless cycle.

"I didn't say those nasty things about you to my friend, someone is lying. But if you're going to act like this big of a bitch then maybe I should have said nasty things!" Jungkook screamed at Taehyung one day while they were in the middle of a water break. Taehyung took his water bottle and splashed it right in his maknae's face. "I don't want to hear words come out of a damn liars mouth!"

"Will you two please just end this already?! What does it take?!" Jimin begged. He didn't understand the fighting. Jungkook and Taehyung were thick as thieves, he didn't know how they could possibly fight this much for so long without simply missing the friendship enough to just stop fighting, no matter what happened.

"I'll end it when Jungkook admits what he did and apologizes!" Taehyung yelled at Jimin.

"I told you I didn't talk shit behind your back! I've told you a million times! So I'm sorry for telling you the truth, apparently!" Jungkook yelled to Taehyung. Jimin rolled his eyes and walked away. He figured at this point everyone's efforts were useless.

The two maknae's started pushing eachother around the room even after Namjoon yelled at them to stop. Jungkook pushed Taehyung and he fell into Yoongi who then fell into Jin.

"Yah! Brats! Both of you!" Jin screamed. He was at his wits end with the two but had no idea what to do.

"Do you two need some kind of couples therapy or something?" Yoongi joked. He'd spent a lot of time ignoring the two's fighting, he figured it'd end eventually. Hopefully. His joke didn't lighten the mood though.

"Tell Jungkook to go to therapy for being a liar!" Taehyung yelled.

"No, tell Taehyung to go to therapy for being a little bitch!" Jungkook screamed back.

"Hey! Watch your mouth, both of you!" Hobi yelled at them. The hyungs all rolled their eyes when the two started screaming at eachother again. Namjoon had more than enough and said he was going to go work alone in his studio instead. Soon the group decided to quickly scatter to their own studios. Nobody wanted to be around Jungkook or Taehyung and the two certainly didn't want to be around eachother.

This proved more of an issue at home considering the two shared their bedroom. Taehyung tried begging the other members to switch rooms with him to which they all denied his request. "Just get over it," Jimin kept telling him. He then tried kicking Jungkook out to which Yoongi took it upon himself to tell Taehyung he wasn't allowed to do something like that.

"Why not? I'm his hyung and I'm asking him to leave!" Taehyung protested to Yoongi.

"And I'm your hyung and I'm telling you that you aren't allowed to kick him out of the room."

Hyung Has Had Enough! [Taekook Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now