001. the grim reaper

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ONLY LOVE hurt like this.

Her hands shook, as her bottom lip quivered. Tears brimming in her eyes as she danced the night away with him. Her heart cracked, like an earthquake, the pain felt throughout her body was shattering.

It was vengeful, and merciless. Her nostrils flared in anger as his hands floated closer to her behind. His grim smile; she watched as the scythe appeared, his figure suddenly cloaked. She saw him for what he was.

The bringer of certain death. Nothing lasts forever.

The ground surely rumbled as her blood began to boil; reaching temperatures close to Satan's lair. Her neck turned a little, her fists clenching as the tips of her nails dug deep into skin. But the pain was nothing compared to that of her heart.

Maybe it was her fault. She took the step as she stood up from her chair. The chair that had a beautifully scripted name card by it. Reaching forward, her hand grabbed the piece of cardstock paper. Staring at her name, she ripped it without a second to think. Dropping the pieces to the ground, she turned, knocking the chair over.

Some had began to watch as the disoriented girl let her head swing back and forth. Her neck became weak as her eyes landed on the flustered figure of the brunette girl. Kendall looked afraid, watching as blood ran down her previous lover's leg from where the chair cracked.

As if her eyes were playing tricks on her, she felt a dark ambiance set in. He grew horns upon his awfully trimmed hair. Red surrounded his devilish figure, and his stance shifted closer to Kendall.

She saw him for what he truly was, the amphetamine coursing through her thin veins. The substance permitted her from thinking consciously, anger being the only emotion familiar to her.

Maybe she was calling out to her; her lips moving as a worried glare crossed her face. But she was unable to hear as she took a few steps forward, stumbling towards the couple.

The bass of guitar was loud, and it interrupted her thought. The drums became louder as her fists clenched more aggressively. That is when he stepped in front. Her smirk grew as she licked her dry lips.

The room darkened as it was just them. He stood in her way. She was hers, and he stood in the way of their happiness. He was keeping her from the destiny they were born with. And Kaira Khadra was taught to never back down, and to always fight for what was hers.

So she swung her clenched fist at his face, watching as Kendall backed up suddenly. She swung again, missing dramatically as he sent an aggressive punch to her lip. Blood was all she tasted as she spit the substance on the ground, lifting a finger to her mouth.

Her actions were justified. He was truly the monster, for it was blatant as day as he swung again. A crack could be heard as blood gushed from Kiara's nose. Kiara saw the screaming figure of Kendall, unable to hear what she was crying.

She saw the tears leave Kendall's eyes as the man sent another punch to Kiara's stomach. Not ready to give up on the burning love in her heart, she swung last time. However, as he pulled his scythe from his back, she felt a horrendous pain in her stomach. Looking down, she watched as he lodged the weapon into her lower abdomen.

Darkness prevails, this world not ready for the true suffering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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