Chapter 2

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After the shock wore off, I peed and went back to my friends.

"Ohh Irene what did you took so long? Ano ba ginawa mo dun?" They all asked.

"U-uhmm well diba madami akong nainom?

"Hahahah yeah. So we have to go back to work, are you going home na na Irene?

"No, first I am going to the store to get some things then after that I'll go home na" I stood up and said Goodbye my friends.


I went to the supermarket and bought everything I needed. After that I called my secretary and asked if everything is going well at the company. It was going well so I was relieved.

After I payed for everything, dumeretsyo na akong umuwi.

I showered and dressed only in a sports bra and my underwear. (Ohhh ok lang kayo?)

I then picked a movie Fifty shade's of grey. (Sorry na agad) I love this movie although it's sort of bad but the story is great.

I made some popcorn and was sitting on my couch in my theatre room before my tv when my phone beeped.

I stood up and picked my phone up. I unlocked it and saw that I had a message. I opened it and saw it was from a unknown number...(hoyy akoy natatakot sa sinusulat ko, Hindi ko alam bakit)

Unknown number:

Hey baby. I love the view, you're so sexy only in your underwear. I want so bad inside you now.

I was shocked and scared. I looked around me. I even looked out of my window if I saw someone, but no one was there.

My cellphone beeped again and it was from the same person.

Unknown number:

You won't see me baby. I am hidden well and Irene baby do not be scared off me. I promise, I will never hurt you.

I was shaking now. Hindi ko alam Ang gagawin ko sa takot.

I texted back.

"Sino ka ba? Where are you? I frantically typed.

"Don't you remember? I'm Greggy, remember? I am near baby, very near." He texted back after a minute.

Greggy oh my god that guy. How did he get my number? I never told him and after 1 month nagpalit na ako ng number.

"Why do you have my number? How did you get it? Sinabi ko na sayo diba, layuan mo na ako!!" I sat down because it looked like my knees would give up on me any moment.

"Irene I can't. I can't leave you alone. I like you, no I love you. It was love at first sight when I saw you back then. And I know everything about you." He texted back.

"What a nonsense. That's but**s**t Greggy. I said leave me alone!!"

What love at first sight? Ehh siya lang Naman itong weirdong taong nakilala ko. What is wrong with him. I don't like this. How did he get my number? And what did he mean by he knows everything about me? Ughh my head hurts.

I was about to texted him back when suddenly my doorbell ringed. (Hala hoyy)

I stood up and put my phone on the table and went to the door.

Huh, there's no one out here. Must be kids who liked to prank others.

When I was about to closed the door, I saw a little box. I picked it up and it felt like something was moving inside. I went back to the theater room and put the box on the table. I opened it slowly. What i saw inside was amazing. A puppy it's so cute"

"Awhhh you're so cute"

I picked her up and he started barking, whispering her tail.

I put her on the ground and looked inside the box and saw a letter.

I picked it up and opened it.

"It's cute right baby? Cute naman siya kahit Mukha siyang petrang kabayo. See it like, it's like my love for you. But it still isn't enough.

He is insane.

"Come on girl, come on" I called the puppy. When she came to me I picked her up and walked with her to my room. I put her on my bed and started petting her. I think I'm going to name her Nadia"

I went back to the theater when I saw Nadia was already sleeping.

I was about to sit down when the lights shut down. I stood straight up.

Suddenly I felt breathing my neck and hands on my waist from behind me. (Hoy tumatayo talaga balahibo ko)

"Wha-what?" I tried to turn around but couldn't because he was preventing me.

"Irene do you believe me now? I really do love you. You're the first who makes me feel like this since I met you when we're still in college.
I won't lie that I didn't sleep with different woman. I did but I stopped after I met you that time." He said in my ear and bit my earlobe.

"No!! I do not, why should I?" I said with a brave voice. But inside I was not scred but terrified.

"Ohh baby, you will and you will learn to love me again." He turned me around abruptly and kisses me hard. I was left breathless.

When the light turned on, I looked around and he was nowhere to be found.

I fell on my knees. This guy is crazy, bakit kailangan ko pa siyang Makita. I went to my bedroom, and I picked Nadia at inilipat sa labas ng kwarto ko at ni lock. I went under the covers. When my head was on my pillow, I seeped into darkness.

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