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Before we get started, I'd just like to preface that this book will contain VARIOUS descriptions and mentions of drug abuse, addiction, and violence that may be triggering for some audiences. Please read with caution.


"You must be Lucy,"

The journalist sat down at Lauren's bedside with her laptop in one hand. "That's me. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui."

"Please," Lauren managed to crack a smile despite being drugged up on three different medications. "Just call me Lauren. I don't want to feel any older than I already am. I'm surprised you came."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Not a lot of people care about rock music nowadays. I figured you would've tossed this interview to the side."

"They must have you on some pretty intense medication if you think that. The world has always loved The Curse."

"It's amazing, isn't it? The most disorganized group in the world yet people were still in front row at every concert. I have to give them credit where it's due."

Lucy smiled. "How's your leg holding up?"

"Ah, the last time I had a fall like this my wife was here to take care of me. This time I'm not so lucky. So... I'm a bit more somber, I suppose, because of it. But I'll be out of here in a few days."

"I'm glad to hear that you're feeling well. I was worried you were the one calling to cancel this morning."

"I used to be sick as a dog, holding my tiny little camera up just to get every picture I could of them. A little fall wouldn't stop me from doing this."

"I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well," Lucy bounced her leg nervously. "I know how hard it must be adjusting to life without somebody once you've been with them for so long,"

Lauren chuckled and managed to find enough strength to sit up in her bed. "I never think of death as a permanent goodbye. More of like... A brief interference. I was with her for more days than I was without her. What else could I ask for?"

"Do you think it's too personal for me to ask why you decided to talk about this now?"

"The answer is simple," Lauren fiddled with the gold band on her ring finger. "Camila asked me to. She knew that once she was gone, she'd want the world to know the truth about her legacy—their legacy. She'd want them to understand why they fell apart as fast as they were built."

Lucy opened up her notebook and uncapped her pen, giving Lauren all of her attention. "Well, where would you like to start?"

"I was only twenty-five when I first met The Curse..."

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