Hanging out with cameron

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Cameron and I them go back to his place. It's a huge house. I just kinda ditched Sierra but I don't care!!!! Bitch can go die!!!! I'm with Cameron now!!!!
I sit in the couch and Cameron takes out his phone. He tweets a pic of us chillinXD. Man I love Cameron 😍😍👌🏻👌🏻.
We start talking about everything. We found a lot in common about ourselves.
1) we both have dogs
2) we both have brown hair
3) we both like music
" you don't know you're beautifuuuuuullll!!!"
By 1D flashes from my phone. It was my mom calling.
" sorry cam I gotta take this" I said with puppy dog eyes.
" WTF DO U WANT BITCH" I shouted from my phone to my lovely mother. "
" I was just wondering what time you're coming back" she said
" hmmm, idk..." I said
I put down my phone and asked Cameron.
" I don't want you back to leave... Will you go on tour with me?" He asked
I immediately got back on the phone with my mom.
" mom, can I go on tour with Cameron? He's a guy I met at the mall today, i think I'm in love with him!!!!"
" yassssss ofcourse 1!11!11!!1!!!" She replies
" yay!1!11!" I reply

I guess I'm going on tour with Cameron!!!!

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