I wonder where he is?

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     ☕️{ young espresso POV}☕️
It was an normal day so far well for me at least and I was waiting for Madeleine at the same place from yesterday but he didn't come today it was fine because I had my coffee magic book so I can practice to become stronger but I was kind of wondering if he'd come tomorrow because I finally want to Confess how I feel about him because I've been holding it in of how I feel about him like sometimes I hate him and sometimes I love him it's just mixed up feelings for him so I want to finally tell him tomorrow.

             ⏰{ time skip to tomorrow morning.}⏰

I woke up but I wasn't on my bed I woke up from my desk because I was doing a project yesterday after I got home but anyways I got up and went to the shower and then after I was done got dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror and looked at the eye that I never showed, I never showed it because I got hurt a while back when I was younger but I don't like to talk about it.

But Madeleine never saw it before so I decided to show it today because I'm going to try and confess to him, I walked downstairs grabbing my bag and leaving my house to go to our park that we go to everyday luckily it was close to my home so I was able to walk there when I got there I was hopping to see Madeleine but... it was empty so I decided not to give up yet so I looked around hoping to see him but he was not here maybe he's late today! so I should wait I'm sure he'll come.

⏰{time skip to 3 hours later. }⏰

I've been sitting down at the truck of our tree for 3 hours now and nothing not an single noise by now my hair is back to covering my eye and it's getting colder by the seconds I should just try tomorrow, I'm going home, when I got home it was dark that means dad isn't home yet but that doesn't matter I'm going to take an shower when I was in the shower I was thanking why wasn't he here yesterday and today? Did I do something does he not like me anymore was it something I said?.....then it clicked. ( Farewell my beloved..) of course that was it I made him uncomfortable I shouldn't said that I regret everything, I was crying I shouldn't never said that, that's why he not coming anymore.. I should give up I know he's not coming back.

⏰{ time skip to 2 weeks later. }⏰

It's been 2 weeks since I saw him I kind of miss him I miss his smile, laugh, voice, and his eyes... his beautiful blue eyes.

Wait why am I thinking about him he left me.

I didn't leave him! I should just forget him I don't need him...right? "No! I don't need him anymore because he left me! HE SAID WE'D BE FRIENDS FOREVER AND HE DOES THIS?! I DON'T NEED HIM THAT.. THAT NO GOOD OF AN LIGHT MAGIC USER!.." I look down I'm shaking like crazy and I'm.. crying? Why am I crying I should just go home fuck this I throw the necklace he gave me when we first met and walk away.

(Btw all 2 weeks he's been going to their original place and that's where he's at right now-)
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