Chapter 3

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Sierra*s POV

"How's your feeling now, Serra? Mang Tonyo told us last night about what happened when he both fetch you?" Dad ask.

We're in the dining now and eating our breakfast.

"I'm ok, dad may nakain lang ako siguro kahapon kaya sumakit any tiyan ko." I answered.

"What food did you ate yesterday? Baka bulok na iyon, Serra." Mommy said.

"Lumabas kasi kami kahapon sa skol together with my friends mom. Pumunta kami ng parke after lunch at bumili ng street foods." Pahayag ko.

"I don't prohibit you to eat that kind of food but you need make sure that what you eat is clean." Mom said.

"And I told you, Serra Adelaine, don't go to somewhere. Could you pls. listen to me." Dad said seriously.

"I'm sorry, dad. It won't happen again." I said.

"Where are you, Senna at that time?" Dad Ask at ate.

"I was in the library, dad."

"Bring your twin with you wherever you go during your vacant time. And don't let her go somewhere without your knowing." Dad said to ate. " and for you Serra, pls. behave this time. Don't give your ate Senna a hard time whenever you are with her. Understood?"

Napatango ako kay dad.

"Before I forgot we're going to have a dinner meeting with Mr. Osman at Friday night. You two need to be prepared and Serra I'm telling you don't ditch this dinner as like what you're doing in the pass." Dad said while looking at me seriously.

I nod at him as a sign that I agree.

"What's this meeting all about, dad? Why Serra and me needs to be there?"

"You'll know it at the dinner."

I don't bother to join their chit-chat.

After we ate dad and mom go to the company while me and Senna go to the school.

Seizza's POV

"Are you sure about your decision, honey?" I asks my husband while he is driving.

" Yes, it's for her own good and for our company as well."

"But Senna is still young. I don't know what will be the reaction of our daughter with this."

"Senna, will understand about this, honey. I know her. "

" I'm just hoping that it will go, well. I'm scared about Serra's reaction." I said frustratedly.

Stefan hold my hand while looking at the road.

"We will explain it at her. honey. I know Serra will also understand it. Our twins are smart." Sabi nito para mapagaan ang aking nararamdaman.

Serra Adelaine and Senna Averaine are our twins. Even though they have many differences with each other we are still doing our best to give what's the best for them.

Ferit's POV.

"We heard some news, brother." Ciro said.

"I don't give a damn to whatever gossip you heard, gossipmonger." I coldly said.

"Ouch you're hurting my feelings, bro" He said

"But seriously, Ferit. Why did you choose one of the heiress of Monteclaro Corporation? There are many women out there, brother that are willingly to be your wife without spending millions." Ichiro said.

"I hate commitment. And you know me fuckers. This damn marriage is just only for papers. I need a woman that can agree with my terms."

"So you're a pedo now?" Gael said mockingly.

"Zip your mouth fucker if you wanna live longer." I  coldly and seriously said at him.

"You're 8 yrs. older than... What's that name again, Ciro?" Gael asks.

"It's Sed...Shier..Sedda? I forgot." Ciro said and shrug.

"It's Senna Averaine, idiots." Ichiro said while smirking at them.

"According to my source she has a badass twin." Ciro's said.

" We're not glad, that you know about that, idiot." Ichiro said.

Gael laugh at what Ichiro's said.

"Perks of being a gossipmonger in the group." Gael said..

"That's his specialty, brothers. We won't glad if someday he know even the color of our underwear." Ichiro's said sarcastically

"Hey morons, don't act as if you're not benefitting to what I am doin' ", Ciro gritted said.

"Tsk,  benefitting our ass." Ichiro's said.

"But if you're going to marry that Senna. Is there merging of company will happen?" Gael asks.

"Tsss, it's non of your concerns." I coldly said.

"Why you're so cold in this day, brother? Did you not get your medicine last night?." Ciro ask teasingly.

"Just get out in my office now, Ciro. I don't have time with you."

"You're always hurting my feelings. Parang di ko kayo kaibigan."

"Because you always act childishly which we don't like." I gritted said at him.

"Ok², I'm gonna serious now." He said seriously.

The fuckers stop talking when we heard a knock and the door suddenly open.

"Mr. Osman the Board Members are now waiting for you at the conference." Mrs. Belandres Said.

"You must go now. I have a conference meeting." I said at them and going out to my office.

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