E P I L O G U E : When I Remember This Life

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April 1st, 2019
Beginning of a new school year;
5 months since the incident

That morning was particularly red. The dawn of the rising sun just before the start of a new school year five months after the end of an era. Cursed energy, as it was known, had ceased to be. In practicality, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it does still exist. It could be found dwelling deep within the prison realm and sealed without a key to ever unlock it. The key had perished.

         Like many notorious mornings, the students had been rudely awakened by a zealous instructor all too eager to begin the day. However, unlike in previous fashion, the students were asked to meet at the front of the school. The reason was unknown. Given the task of responsibility, the newly appointed third years saw to the organization in getting everyone out of the dorms in prompt fashion.

         Gathered at the front entrance of the school under the illustrious glow of the red, rising sun, the students waited exhaustively. Many heads bobbled up and down trying to rekindle the last moments of peaceful sleep and many others yawned. Though the students were always on time, they should know better than to expect the same of their instructor, Gojo, who was nowhere to be found.

        About to resign themselves from the trouble of waiting, it was then the infamous figure came into view on the horizon. At his side was someone unrecognizable to all. The sight mustered some attentiveness in the students' faces as they strained their eyes to make out just who Gojo could have brought with him. It was a girl upon closer inspection, once the two had crossed onto the school territory; the wind whistled sweetly through the trees as it kicked up the tips of her dark hair pulled back neatly into a pony tail. With her, she had a suitcase that she pulled by the handle which rumbled and clattered noisily behind her against the uneven pavement.

         With his hands firmly tucked into his pockets, Gojo leaned back to admire the crowd, "What a lovely reception we have!"

         "You told us to be here," Maki curtly corrected.

         "There's no better way to welcome the newest student than with all the current students in attendance."

         The way Gojo's last words tore insensitively at the tender wounds of everyone's hearts became visibly pronounced in the students' expressions. A few had shifted their gaze to the floor and some took a new interest in the sky. Yuta's mood was especially dampened. It had been almost six months, but it still didn't feel like enough time had passed for the pain to begin subsiding.

         Oddly though, there were several moments throughout the day that would contradict the tragedy of the past. It would be when raindrops, as they fell, wouldn't leave the students' skin as rapidly as they felt it should; the drops would cling as if saying they wanted to stay a few seconds longer against their skin before falling. The breeze wouldn't slice through the air with the notoriously frigid intensity like it did years prior; it felt gentler in the past few months.

         Gojo placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and gave her a light push forward into the spotlight of everyone's attention, "Let's start the morning with light introductions shall we? You go first newbie."

         The girl turned her head back to look at Gojo over her shoulder; he nodded in affirmation. The grip on her suitcase handle tightened nervously while her other hand fiddled with the hem of her casual shirt, "My name is Chihiro. I'm a first year student starting today."

         It was only her name, but that was enough— Yuta's eyes lit up immediately, remembering something that brought out from his glum. While he stared, astonished, like he had just seen a ghost appear before his very eyes, the rest respectfully gave their greetings to her, wishing her well as she progressed through the years here. Without thinking of anything else, Yuta took a cautious step forward. His eyebrows knitted together trying to piece fleeting bits of information from his memories. Inumaki noticed Yuta trying to come forward and got out of his way, gesturing to the rest that they should step aside to let Yuta come forward. All were confused, but followed as Inumaki had directed.

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