● 5 ●

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Taehyung woke up in the morning and fresh up. He wore his house clothes.. it's looking like he's not going to university today. And yes he's not going.

After wearing his house clothes he went out of his room and enter inside his parents room. He was wearing a black hoodie with a black pant which was not tight.

He closed the door behind before walking closer to the bed where his mom was lying on. He kissed his mom forhead before saying 'good morning' to his mom.

He went to the kitchen and come back with a bowl with half water on it. He put the bowl on the table beside the bed and went to the closest and opened it and pull out s short cotton white soft towel.

He closed the closest and come back. He pulled a chair near himself and sat down on it. And clean his mom's body. After doing that he changed jin's clothes.

After all done he sat down beside the bed and held his mom's hand. "Mom I'm sure you'll be ok...soon" a faithful smile was on his lips.

"Doctor tong Unnie will be here soon to check you up... Mom I don't went to the university today because doctor tong Unnie is coming to see you. She said that y-your health was going bad day by day.. she said that something is there in you blood which was harming your body.. mom please don't loose you strength.

If you'll l-leave me then I'll be on the road , begging for the foods and money. Dad will forget about me... Sometimes I thought that dad never cares for me.. he just do a fake care towards me in front of you.. Because you were watching everything.. but mom now you're here but you can't see and do anything..

That's why he's not caring about me... He just do what stela wants" he wips his tears off but soon again his eyes field with tears.. he's totally misunderstanding his dad.

Suddenly he got a call from his friend Ava. He answered it without wasting any seconds..

Tae!! Aren't you're coming today??

Sorry Ava, but today I'm absenting because doctor tong Unnie is coming to check up mom today an-

What happened to uncle Jin?? Is he ok??

Ava Ava calm down girl.. mom is ok but tong Unnie said that.

After that he told everything to Ava who were totally in Shocked.

W-what are you saying tae? H-how?

Idk Ava..

Tae I'm coming to meet uncle Jin today after the university with my boyfriend..

Only you two? And They?

Don't pull them in these all..

Okk come after the university bye

Bye take care of yourself and uncle Jin

Taehyung hummed and hang up..

After hanging up he heard a slow knock on the door. He got up and went to open. when he open the door he found the doctor tong standing there with her bag.

He welcomed her with a smile who smile back. "You cleaned mrs.kim?" She asked enter the room. Taehyung answered her in hummed.

Doctor tong open her bag zib before taking out some files she give it to taehyung. "Read this" taehyung took it and start reading.

After reading he was not able to see anything
Properly.. everything was blur Because of his tears while was field in his eyes. "W-what is this Unnie tong?"

"It's mrs.kim health report file taehyung and it's clearly showing that a chemical was running on his veins. His almost half body is full with that chemical... The chemical which showing on the report file have no names.. I'm hearing this chemical which have no names

Taehyung we still more than 1 months time to surgery mrs.kim.. the chemical is only on Mrs Kim body expect his head. If it's reached to the head then it will be impossible to save him.. we will had no change to save him in any cost.. for now on I'm giving you these medicines list go and buy them.. it will help mrs.kim to survive for more one month.. in this one month we have to find out what is this chemical"

Taehyung have no idea what he gonna do now. He's scared as hell. "Taehyung! Calm down Don't be scared.. be strong Because there is no one other than you who can save your mom" taehyung nodded..


The university is over now Ava is standing on the main gate waiting for his boyfriend.

Jungkook was going out then he saw Ava.. "Ava why are you here? And where are other's?"

"Everyone left jungkook.. I'm here waiting for my boyfriend" jungkook ohhed and looked behind and saw her boyfriend is coming there he looked back at Ava.

"Um.. btw Ava.. why taehyung is absent today.. I mean he never missed his classes right then?" Ava sadly sigh and told jungkook everyting.

"Ohh it's too sad.. can I come with you please" Ava was shocked looking jungkook reaction. "Of course you can jungkook"


Taehyung was waiting for his friends to come then he heard a knock on the door. He immediately went to open.. his eyes widen when he saw jungkook.

"Jungkook?" Ava roll her eyes in announced "we're also here but you only notice jungkook wow!" She pushed him aside before walking inside the room.

She sat beside the bed "oh my god just look at uncle Jin how pale he look" Ava sad voice again make taehyung eyes teary.

He went towards his mom "idk Ava what to do i-i" he cover his mouth to stop his cry. Ava sadly sigh and questioned.

"Btw what doctor tong said?"

"She said that a chemical she is in mom's vines which have no names a-and.. she also said that it will become impossible to save mom if that chemical reached mom's head and I'm scared Ava"

He cry out it's impossible for him to control. Ava get up and hugged taehyung who hugged back.

It's time for them to went back. Ava was waiting for jungkook to come to the car with his boyfriend.

Meanwhile jungkook looking at taehyung with teary eyes. Looking how badly taehyung is crying.

He knows how badly he want to hug taehyung right now but he's nervous what will taehyung think about him.

But seeing a poor taehyung Begging for his mom's life is his heart weak. He went and hugged taehyung,, tightly.

Taehyung brust out in tears when jungkook hug him. "D-don't cry taehyung.. it's ok everything will be ok.. I have also lost my mom and I know how it's feel so don't overthink nothing will happen to mrs.kim it's you trust your mom then don't loose it"

This is what taehyung needed the most. A warm hug and comfort and hopes. Today he's feeling so special.

Now He want it forever..

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