Fast Asleep - Chapter 4

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My hand felt insanely cold, like it was in a bucket of ice. I couldn't move my hand either; it was useless. I tried to open my eyes. But they felt glued shut. My whole mind was cluttered. I was awake but I physically could not get up. I focused hard, as hard as I could. I focused on moving my limbs, it was difficult. It was like there was something weighing me down; or restraining me. Suddenly my eyes burst open and I opened my mouth, breathing heavily. I lifted my head and looked down. Oh.

Matt's legs were draped over my legs, and his arm was over my chest and arms; restricting me from moving. I sighed in relief. Still doesn't explain why my hand is freezing though? My whole body was warm. I wiggled around and Matt flipped over on his side. If I listened close enough I could hear him snoring. I smiled a bit and whipped the cover off of me. That's when I noticed it. It was freezing! I was just warm because of Matt's body heat, he's practically a bear. I snorted and got up, going to my closet and grabbing a blanket to wrap around me.

"Hey Matt." I whispered.

He groaned and I went to his side, poking his forehead. "Get up."

"Why." He whined, flipping over and rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know. I'm up so you should be too."

Actually, that wasn't really the truth. I wanted him up because I felt protected when he was here and awake.

''Matt just wake up, please." I begged nudging him in his rib.

"Fine.'' He grunted. After he rubbed the side of his face, he stood up and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed and he marched out of the bedroom, entering the living room and throwing me on the couch. I landed on my stomach and I was sort of stuck. I had wrapped the blanket around me like a burrito and I couldn't exactly sit up, So I flopped around like a fish on land until I fell off the couch.

I grumbled a couple words under my breath and then flopped around. "Mind helping a bro out?"

Matt turned and scratched at his chin; where he had no beard might I say.

"You're such a girl."

I scowled at him and flopped around again, this time more aggressively, which was stupid on my part. Mostly because my side started to burn. Not like slightly, but like a hole had formed in my side, like a cavity. I gasped and flipped on the opposite side, trying to avoid hurting my side even more. Matt must have saw because he scrunched up his eyebrows and then a look of guilt overcame his face. "Did you hurt yourself?" Suddenly he rushed over and picked me up, unwrapped me from the blanket and went for my shirt. He did this all in the span of less then even five seconds, and unluckily for me, I hadn't even processed it all before Matt yanked my shirt up and saw not just the one bruise, but all of them that rested all around my rib cage and stomach. My eyes darted over to the side and a frown replaced my face.

He'd saw what I've been trying to hide, or at least a proportion of it. He hasn't saw the personal ones... and as far as I was concerned, he wasn't ever going to.

There was multiple reasons for this. Of course the main reason was because well, he's my friend and to me it was just crossing a barrier. Him seeing me partially nude? I blushed at the thought. And then there was the "Yeah, if he ever sees those bruises on those parts of me, he will flip his shit and interrogate me and most likely force me to stay at his place as the FBI check all around my house and property. And maybe even the whole goddamn town."

Then there was the, ''Oh yeah, it's my goddamn body and I can keep it a secret if I want to''. It's not his job to keep charge of me. Yeah, my dad might have told him to watch over me and stuff but that doesn't give him the right to examine my freaking personal privacy. And my body is my personal privacy, so I really don't think he has the right to just do this kind of stuff.

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