Workplace and spam

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Quick reminder, we are back in Quintons POV :) Also I'm so sorry for no Updates!

It had been a week since the meeting at the Cafe. J and Sid texted me often, almost every day untill around midnight unless I had work. It was odd. Almost as if neither of them had a job. I didn't question it much though. We hung out a lot more during that week and this week. Sometimes going to the mall, the cafe, or our newest location, a beach. That's where we had planned to go tomorrow. To the beach. But let's rewind to today, yeah?

I woke up, did my morning routine of texting Sid and J for an hour before getting my lazy but out of bed and starting my day. I had work later, but it didn't start untill noon and it was currently 8:45. I got changed into some loose stretch pants and a tank top before zipping a jacket up and walking out of my house. Of course I locked the door.

As I ran through the woods in wolf form, I smelt something I've never smelt before and took off after it. I quickly veered left and began running even faster as the scent became further away. Whatever it was, it moved fast. I speed towards it with all of my strength, my heart beating loud enough for me to hear it in my ears and feel it in my head.

There, a little further infront of me was a creature, running quickly until it just stopped. As soon as I got close enough, I slowed down and tried to make out what it was. A wolf? There's never been any wolves this far south of where I live. I know where they are so I can blend in if need be. I walked closer to this wolf and crouched.

I was ready for it to attack or to bolt. Either way, I was ready to defend myself. I stepped on a twig and the wolf that was laying down, stood up. I took a step back at the sheer size of this thing. No way was this a normal wolf. It had jet black fur and amber eyes. It was a good half a foot or more taller then me.

I tilted my head to the side as I looked at it. The eyes. The eyes had an understanding in them. Almost human looking. I took a step forward and the creatures stance got less tense. I straightened my head before shaking my head to fix my wind blown fur.

It did not like that. I watched as it's once relaxed posture became stiff again. It crouched slightly before howling and bolting off infront of me. That speed from the take off left me confused before I ran after it. No normal wolf had that kind of intelligence in its eyes. It's not possible for an animal.

After barely even 2 minutes, it was gone. I stopped and stomped a paw in the dirt before turning and running home. I knew I was out for a while and I had to get ready for work. As I ran I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wind.

I got home, in human form of course, and checked the time. I had 30 minutes to get ready. I quickly ran around grabbing clothes, a fresh towel, and starting the coffee before I hopped into the shower for a quick 3 minute shower. I plugged in the hairdryer and walked out of the bathroom. I dried myself off as best I could, and struggled to get into my jeans with my still slightly wet legs. My top was easy to put on though.

20 minutes later, an outfit change due to a coffee spill, and my hair being as tangled as a rats nest, and I was ready for work. I now had 10 minutes to get there. I speed walked to the bus stop, and after 2 minuets of waiting, I began running in the direction of my work.

Now you may wonder what i do for a living. I work at a pet store. I'm the person you give your pet to for a grooming or whatever and I'm also the person who works the cash register for half of my shift. I got to the store with barely a minute to spare before I had to check in. I tapped on the computer quickly to sign in before sighing and going to the staff bathroom to fix my hair.

Right now, I wore a red t-shirt what said "animals are a humans best friend" cheesy I know, but my other work shirts are dirty. I had my hair half down half up, in a loose ponytail so it wouldn't be in my face. I pull my phone from my jeans back pocket and read my texts. Dang! 15 new messages from Sid and 30 from the group chat! I read through them, and reply with a short "I'm off at 5. Text you then." And put the devise back in my pocket.

I walked out of the bathroom to see I already had 3 clients in crates. I walk over to my favorite, as the other 2 where new and I pull her out. Princess was a bichon frise. She was about 2 years old and super small. I liked her because when you pet her or picked her up she immediately returned the love. Lots of little puppy kisses. In about 15 minutes, I was done with her grooming. She was a regular, her owners brought her in every 2 weeks so I never had much work to do.

Next up was a 8 month old Labrador. He had black fur with a white mussel and white on the tip of this tail. He was a cutie. I put him on the table and talked to him as I cut his nails and brushed out his fur. There was a few matted areas that took longer, but in 30 minutes he was set to go. I put a little bandana on him and placed him back into a kennel. The last one, was a golden retriever and German shepherd mix. He was a bit feisty at the start but calmed down when I put him into the tub. He smelled kind of bad so i made sure to wash all his fur despite his wiggling around.

After around 4 hours, 10 other dogs and 1 feisty little cat, I was on break. I grabbed out my phone and saw I had atleast another hundred messages from Sid and J. Jeez. I swiped out the notification and swiped through tik tok. After 10 minutes, my break was done.

The day was easy sailing from there. Within the last few hours of my shift, I had no pets other then one old terrier that couldn't care less what I did. When I finished with him, the owners where back so I put on his harness and handed him back to the elderly couple who owned him.

Finally, my shift ended. I walked outside and saw how empty the parking lot was. It was almost 8. I had to work overtime to cover a co-workers shift as she got the flu. I began walking to the bus, holding my phone and pepperspray firmly in my hands. I decided to open up my texting app and read through the spam my friends sent me.

J:Hey! Quin! It's 5:02 and you didn't text us!
Sid: Quinn! Don't avoid us!
J: c'mon! We didn't do smthg right?
Sid: Quinnyyyyy! Reply!!!!!

All of the texts that where sent past 5:00 on the dot where following those lines. Even ones in private text! Jeez! Separation anxiety much? I replied back to them saying I had to cover someone's shift and got an immediate reply from both of them.

J: Well tell us next time Quin!

Sid: we thought something happened to you.

J: I was gonna drive by your workplace! It's dark out now too!

Sid:where are you anyways?

Me: guys calm down! Jeez! I'm at the bus stop on 54 street and rosewood av.

J: I'm picking you up. You aren't riding a bus when it's dark out.

Me: Jackston! I'm getting on the bus right now so calm down. I have pepperspray if I need it.

J: fine. You better text us as soon as you get home.

Sid: excuse you! You better keep texting us now!

Me: sorry guys, poor wifi, ill text as soon as I can. Byeee.

Sid: Quinton! Get back here!

And now my phone is blowing up again. I sighed as I put the chat on mute before playing games on my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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