Just Believe

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" Ariana, Jamie's here !" My mother called from down stairs. I was still staring at my computer screen, scrowing through my Twitter. Since i didn't respond the first time my mother called again. " Ariana Irene, Jamie is waiting for you right now!" my mother seemed to want me out of the house. "I'm Coming, give me 5. " my voice chipped. I sighed and tweeted out to my Internet friends that i will be leaving now. They sent their tweets back telling me 'good luck' and stuff like 'lucky'. I took my phone of the charger and stood in front of my mirror. I had adjusted my white laced cropped tank top to where it laid right above my shorts. My light pick vans went well with the outfit. To top the look off I added my favorite white bow. I tied it into my hair and flipped it over my shoulder. I thought of all the pretty girls that will be there tonight. I knew i was just one of the millions of girls that claim they are in Love with Justin Bieber. I grabbed my backpack and to one last look at myself before i left my room. I skipped down the stairs and landed flat on my feet. "Could you take any longer?" my older sister spatted in a joking way. "Well it's nice to see you again." I smirked. I haven't seen my sister since she left for college 2 years ago. We barely talked during the time she was away. "Well, it's an hour drive, and i'm sure you want to get there early, let's go little chipmunk." she opened the front door and walked outside. I kissed my baby brother goodbye, and he responded, " Beaver is guna think you are beauti-ful." He's 3 years old, just that was the most adorable thing. I walked to the front door and out to the car.

The car ride there wasn't anything amusing. Jamie was just my ride because she had a plan to meet up with an ex boyfriend in Miami. The only thing that was running through my mind was that I've waited almost 5 years for this day and it's finally happening. I was on my way to the biggest show of the Believe Tour. Today i get to see the person that made my days bright even through a storm, my inspiration, my whole world. Nothing could ever explain how he makes me feel. As we got closer to downtown Miami, my heart rate increased. Like the feeling right before you get your first kiss from the boy you liked for a year in junior high or maybe when you are about to go on stage for your first performance in front of a crowd of thousands. I took out my phone and opened my Twitter app. '@BieberRose (made up twitter username, it's claimed but not mine.) : i can feel my death falling upon me already. Tonight will be something to remember.' I tweeted out. I then saw a tweet for Justin. '@justinbieber: i just have to believe that my pain will leave me so the show will be the brightest tonight. #brushingitoff.' By now everyone knows that Justin and Selena Gomez recently broke up. It was kinda upsetting to know that he was hurt. But he has the strength to build up for better days. I then looked up to see the first Miami sign. We were here. We have drove past the arena where Justin will be performing tonight. Hundreds of people were already scattered out there. Jamie drove up to a big fancy hotel. "This is the hotel you called?" i asked. "Yeah, just go inside and tell them you reserved a room under the name Rose." Jamie pointed for me to get out. "Thanks." i mumbled as i opened the door. "See you in the morning" Jamie waved. "Sadly." i mouthed as i grabbed my bad and then walked through the doors of the major fancy lobby. I looked up to see the buildings towering floors. there was a lot of teenage girls standing around, studying the front door. I smiled as the looked at me. " I know you." one of the girl confronted me. " You're Bieber Rose on twitter." she grinned. "I'm Maggie." "Maggie? i don't really know, or remember." i felt bad because she clearly knew who i was. "I'm sure you do. I created the hate blog about you. On tumblr." she laughed along with another girl. "Oh yeah, i don't really take to mind about Internet hate. It didn't phase me actually. I'm not the type of low person who would try to get at someone online that i don't know anything about." her face went blank. "Was it jealously?" i sassed and walked off to the front desk. I was really going to be that mean to someone. That guilt feeling took over. I knew how Maggie acted toward people, sending hate but i still felt bad. As i got to the front desk , there was a girl ready to check me in. " Hello, my sister called in yesterda--." A heard of screams stopped me from talking. The lady's eye opened up wide, causing me to turn around. "Justin!! Fuck Me! " " You didnt deserve Selena." "Show us JERRY." i heard ignorant people yell as an angel ran by. How could they call themselves beliebers? Justin ran right up to the front desk. His warm arm pressed against me shoulder. "I need my room key, now please." he sobbingly choked. The lady quickly handed him his key without a word. He then turned to me. His blood shot eye met mind, his tears were building up. "I'm so sorry" he whispered just as he took off the elevator. I turned, my chest started to kill me with a stinging pain. My eye blurred with tears as I saw security guards hold back a couple dozen girls. "what's you reservation name under?" the lady asked. " Rose. it's under Rose." I let the tears pours. I felt his pain.

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