Chaisy! <3

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*Daisy's Point Of View*

I started to stroll down the street, on my way to school. Second day of school, yay! Not! Hopefully things will be better today. Yesterday I almost got raped. I shook my head in disgust, and glared at the floor. I kept my head down towards the whole way to hell.

Ms.Polly: "Okay kids, I want you to team up with the student next to you, and start dissecting those frogs!" she giggled and jumped excitedly.

Dissecting a frog with a rapist would be interesting. I tuned to Justin and rolled my eyes as a way of saying "I hate you. But, shut up and lets get to work."

I started grabbing tools here and there and read the instructions.

Justin: "Are you that much of a nerd?"

Daisy: "Pardon?"

Justin: "Why are you reading the instructions, we can figure this shit out."

Daisy: "If you don't want good grades, that's fine. But I do! So excuse me while I read these instructions, you in the other hand can figure out how to get away from having a record as a rapist." I smiled and continued reading the booklet.

Justin: "You have a fresh mouth, but I like it. You're attitude is disgusting, but it turns me on. So go ahead keep acting smart."

Daisy: "You disgust me."

Justin: "And you don't? I can't believe you aren't as kinky as these other girls. Some pay me, to fuck them."

Daisy: "Yeah well that's because I'm not like these other girls. I have respect for myself, and don't want herpes. I can't believe your dick hasn't fallen out yet."

Justin: "Baby, you should know better then to be so sassy. Didn't you remember what happened yesterday?"

I sighed.

-End Of The Day-

I put in my combination at a fast pace, in a anger filled way.

Chaz: "Wooooah there! Are you angry?"

Daisy: "Does it look like I'm angry?" I faked smiled, and slammed the locker door open. I grabbed some books, and slammed it closed. For a second the whole hallway was staring at me.

Chaz: "Shhh yeah! What's going on?"

Daisy: "Why do you care?" I spat at him.

Chaz: "Just trying to be friendly." he said passing by me.

Daisy: "Wait! No, Chaz."

He turned around.

Daisy: "Im sorry. I'm just having a bad day. I'll make it up to you."

Chaz: "Alright, let me give you a ride."

I giggled and grabbed his hand. "Okay!"


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