I jumped above him and as I fell, with all the power I had brought my sword down, decapitating the man who made my highschool life a living hell. The headmaster fell staggering, clawing wildly around as his body ran cold and lifeless.
"Seth! Get away from him!" I heard her call too late... His body combusted spontaneously and I fell on my back, swiftly losing conciousness. They gathered around me and the only word I could comprehend from their frenzied chatter.... Demon Slayer.I had horrible luck. I almost died on the day I was born, and the reason I say almost was because my parents died in my place, hoping for a future for me. I was accident prone, unpopular, wierd. In every class there's always the 'weird kid over there' , that's me.
"Seth, as idiotic and unintelligible you may be please attempt the question on the board." My favourite teacher Mrs wright had awoke me from my slumber. I saw looked up to the equations one the old, faded whiteboard. "The answer is.... Negative forty-five x?" She looked at me with clear dislike, "How does one answer a question with a question... I can tell only you have that ability. Humour me mister scarlet and tell me what you think you are able to become." The class snickered and I panicked. My future was not something I thought of much. Unlike most kids I don't have the luxury to say a doctor or pilot, I don't just suck at any particular subject, I suck at school itself. "I don't know... ma'am."
"Would a visit to the headmaster's office give you some choices?"
"Well I don-"
"Headmasters office, he's already expecting you."
"I didn't do anything!" The class laughed. "Well you did now, shouting at a teacher is disrespect- which I will not tolerate!" She cut me off before I could interrupt.The halls seemed to be generations old. Withstanding the continual assault of permanent markers, leaning kids and heavy lockers, I'd have already collapsed. "Seth scarlet." I looked over my shoulder as the headmaster stood looking at me. Short, pot-bellied hairy, and a lot of other bad headmastery qualities. "Step into my office." I moved in reluctantly. He stepped in behind me, walked over to his glass closet filled with sword collections and took out a white handled sword with a clear steel blade. For one scary moment his image seemed to change and the look in his disturbing red eyes made me think he wouldn't mind using it one me... Which he probably would.
"Recognize this mister scarlet?"
"No sir."
He regarded me with deep interest and- amusement?
"I see..." The dismissal bell rang. "Well mister Scarlet, you're free to go." I blinked out the uncertainty showing through my eyes. "No punishment sir?"
"It will be arranged when we meet again and that," he leaned closer to me "will be very soon."I didn't want any trouble and the guy seemed crazy so don't say I'm a coward If I walked out of the office doors calmy then ran out of the school doors swiftly. My house was across from the school compound so it wasn't a long run. The school is very small actually, San Francisco high school for the gifted. I stepped into through the front door and shouted, "Aunt Hailey!" No answer. I went in the kitchen for a drink when I saw the note on the fridge door, I smiled. She knew me so well. "I'll be back later nephew I need to buy some groceries." It seemed to be scribbled in a hurry and there was enough grocery judging by the stacked, full shelves of the fridge but I'd question her about it later. After walking up the stairs to my room I took out some money and looked around. Did I mention I loved blue? Blue walls, a blue bunk bed, blue curtains. I walked around the small room then headed out to the park, not feeling the home excitement.
The park was almost empty when I got there but that was fine by me. "Hey man!" I looked from the bench I sat on. "Jasper, sup bruh?" Jasper was my best friend, which I don't understand seeing as he's popular. Tall, blonde spiky hair, strong build.
"You're late not a lot of people are here." I glanced around. Just a few people in their normal everyday activities, walking their dog, sitting by the fountain and a group of teens sorrounded some random dance contest. After a second glance I saw him. "Is that headmaster Richards?"
"Yeah, what's he doing here though?" There's a rumor that he gives 'out school' detentions but I decided I would not be the one to confirm that so I prepared to leave, not to mention this tingling feeling in my gut. "How about we meet up tomorrow Jasper? I don't feel so good."
"You sure? Ya looked fine a second ago."
"Yeah... I'm sure it's just a feeling I've got, like something's about to happen, but I don't know what." He gave me a quizzical look then offered to walk me home but I reassured him I was good. As I turned to leave I collided into someone. "Sorry about that." He didn't reply. Looking behind him I saw I saw three girls and a guy all teens, all in black. 'Teens in black' I thought remembering some random movie. "Are you Seth, Seth Scarlet?" The first guy asked. He was tall with dark curly hair that was a lot darker than his dark skin. The kid was buff, like he worked with steel everyday. As much as the rest seemed pleasant I had the usual 'don't talk to strangers' rule engraved in my brain. I walked away hurriedly, fear gripping my heart. "We want to help you! Its for your own safety!" A girl called back to me. I didn't turn to look. Suddenly there was an ear splitting, deafening roar and as I looked back I saw previous stalkers surrounding... Mr Richards?
I thought I saw him but then as I blinked his body changed. He got hairier than before which for him was normal in my book but when he finished... I fell beside a hotdog stand which supported me and cowered in fear. Disturbing red eyes, black hairy skin, curved, red horns. He sprouted wings and flew towards me, only then did I know I was the target. When he was close enough he swatted me into the concrete of the fountain and I was sure my ribs were all broken as pain and blood clouded my vision. People were confusingly moving about. Some running from the scene, others running towards it then running back from it, and some just stood and shreiked. The five teens from before had engaged him in combat but I didn't see him (it?) clearly.
Appeared hurt but it stood on its legs and snarled at them. "Guys we can't win..... Its a.. A demon!" As it flew over them it came towards me and my blood rushed out faster as if to run from it. Someone grabbed me from the wreckage on time. A second later and I would've been squashed potatoes. Mr Richards the demon, wasn't as lucky. He crashed into the fountain. Allowing the water to gush free as it broke, and in that time of his confusion I ran- well hopped. A familiar voice said, "Run Seth!!" Jasper was the one who saved me. He seemed too calm for comfort but I ran and climbed the steps slowly. It wasn't confused for long, soon it flew up to us with the 'teens in black' trailing behind. It was getting closer but Jasper blocked its path. "If you kill him you'll kill me first!" He was swatted him away like a pest. As I saw the chaotic state of the park and my best friend falling over the side of a building, anger consumed me and a white handled, clear, silver and gold steeled sword materialized in my hand. I was not surprised, only anger ran through me, my blood boiling. All my wounds forgotten I waited. When Mr Richards was close enough I jumped above him and as I fell, with all the power I had brought my sword down, decapitating the man who made my highschool life a living hell. The headmaster fell staggering, clawing wildly around as his body ran cold and lifeless.
"Seth! Get away from him!" I heard her call too late... His body combusted spontaneously and I fell on my back, swiftly losing conciousness. They gathered around me and the only words I could comprehend from their frenzied chatter.... Demon Slayer.
AdventureSeth Scarlet lived a life filled with loneliness and despair, never once being the center of attention unless he was in trouble whether being school, home, or a newly created problem of monsters. As his life changes he learns the truth about himsel...