At some point in time today lies technoblade died from cancer he changed many lives even my cousin Emma's when she got cancer sadly they are both no longer here with us so for more info go to his YouTube channel or on YouTube search "so long nerds" he made a lot of us so happy here are some quotes and pics
But clearly not everybody can stay with us we wished he was still here today right now but I guess not word is spreading around so fast so I'm here to tell you a little about him he was 23 years old when he died had over 12 million subscribers and followers he fighted cancer for a long time now so he can take it easy now he was a YouTuber/influenceer he did change many he encouraged My little cousin to fight her cancer but sadly she couldn't she tried tho his death broke many many hearts including mine and maybe yours too he was big part of the dreamsmp here are some fan messages or quotes from today 😞
Fan messages-
I don't understand why the pics won't show
He was a friend and a family member a amazing son I was told if God only let him stay just a little longer it probably would have made a lot of us happy his real name was Alex and if I find more details I will let you know I will share the link to his last message to us R. I. P MY DEAR FRIEND AND IF YOU BEAT GOD LET US KNOW! PLS?