1 | One Piece (Luffy to Ace)

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King Of The Pirates

I met you when I was seven
My life turned from hell to heaven
It was always Sabo, you and I
Three kids laughing at the sky

One day Sabo died
As night came we cried and cried
He didn't come back
Our future suddenly turned black

But we couldn't stay in place
We made a promise face to face
Brothers forever we will stay
And live forever day by day

Ten years soon passed
I made my own crew pretty fast
Soon I heard you've been caught
I went to save you without a second thought

The war began to burn both sides
No one from this fire could hide
With the help of my new friends
I continued running to no end

After I went through a strom
I managed to reach the platform
As I freed you I felt in a daze
We fought together like old days

Running away from everyone
We thought this war was finally done
Then magma man came
Began a fight between magma and flame

I was tired after fighting for days
Magma man his fist at me raised
You didn't stop to think
Stood between us in a blink

I watched in horror and fear
From my eye fell a tear
You fell on my chest
My heart was beating fast

You thanked me in tears
For loving you all those years
Then you fell to the ground
I couldn't hear a sound

A scream pierced the sky
I felt like I wanted to die
You weren't there anymore
On that day I swore

I'm going to live long
I'm going to become strong
I'm going to be the king
And peace to this world I'll bring

This is the story of you and I
From how we met til how you die
Brother It's been two whole years
On your grave I shed tears

Brothers we were and Brothers we'll stay
I'm waiting til we'll meet again one day
Til that day for me please wait
First I'll become king of the pirates

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