Chapter 1

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Author Note: Important, school in Canada is diffrent from other countries. First, we go in elementary school(First grade to Sixth grade), then we go in highschool(First grade to Fifth grade) and I think in the united states it's (First grade to sixth grade) and then highschool (Seventh grade to 12 grade) I'm not sure, but don't get confuse in the story.

Zoey POV

I moved out of my small town to Wawanakwa two months ago, and let me tell's beautiful, but tomorrow will be my first day at school. Um..yeah I'm nervous. I met some of my new neighbors and they seem like sweet people. I hope I can make some new friends. My mom and I bought my school material for tomorrow. All summer, I spent time with my parents, just hanging out as a family.

"Hey honey, are you ready for tomorrow"My mom ask me while we were eating breakfast.

"I guess so"I gave her a small smile. My dad left moments ago to work and well...tomorrow I'm going to high school.

Mike POV

I sat next to my adopted parent's room, listening to their conversation.

"Mike doesn't like me at all, I don't get"I heard Mr. Smith say.

"Awww honey, I know"The sweet voice of my mom, what I trust my mom not my dad. I feel like I can trust my mom, she's so sweet. Sure my dad is...kind of nice, but anytime soon he'll beat me up so bad that I'll end up in the hospital.

"But I gave so many things, am I-i a bad parent"

"Nooo of course not, maybe I don't know, spend more time together as a son and father"I let out a soft sigh, I should go outside. Sometimes when I'm really bored, I mean really bored, I leave this house and go outside. I was about to leave when I heard a knock on the door. I open the door and standing right in front of me best friend Trent.


Two days after being adopted, Ms.Smith bought me a skateboard. She asked me what I like and I told her that I love to skate, but I didn't thought she was going to buy me a skateboard. I don't want to even know how much it cost. I learned to skateboard when I was at the orphanage. They bought me skate shoes and a board. At first, I didn't really like it, but then I just..I don't know, I started to like it.

"I'm bored"I whispered to myself as I took my board, skate shoes and tiptoed my way out of here. I went to nearest skate park. Good thing there was just one kid. I practiced for a while, just feeling the wind past by me each time I push. Kickflip, ollie, shuvit all my favourite tricks, I nailed it. Tired, I sat on my board, listening to my breathing.

"That was sick, bro"The boy sat near me, on his board.

"Thanks"I let out not even looking at him 'cause I'm kind of...dizzy.

"My name is Trent"Turn my head to face him.

"I'm Mike"We shook hands, after a while of talking, I got to know him well. Were both 14 years old, which is awesome, he likes to play guitar....mmm I wish I could play guitar too. I didn't really talk about my life 'cause I'm not proud of it. My stomach growled loudly...oh I didn't eat breakfast.

"Looks like Mikey is hungry"I frowned at the nickname, but quickly smiled to cover it up.

"I didn't eat breakfast this morning, you know what time is it 'cause I probably should go before get worried?"He pulled out some kind of device that Iv'e never seen in my life.

"It's...11:34"Holy crap, Iv'e been here for 2 HOURS.

"Yep, I really got to got. They will flip out, but should come. I don't think my....parents would mind"Why is it so hard to say parents?!

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