Hi. My name is Florence.

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I don't know whose reading this. It might be me, might be a random person who happened to find it. Either way.
I'm writing this to document my life. From the earliest memories to the most recent. I have a journal, but it's more spread out. Missing important things. If you find that too, it's probably more up to date than this letter.
I just want to have a record in case I die or lose my memory.

So, a quick introduction. My legal name is Florence Anderson. I am a 22 year old adult woman born in 2008, my birthday October 5. I graduated University with a bachelor's degree in Biology.
At the time I am writing this it is 10:57  PM, 07/05/31.

I don't really know where to start except the beginning. My earliest childhood memories, when I didn't have a care in the world. When I thought everything would be okay forever.
I was wrong, obviously. I wouldn't be writing this otherwise.

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