Part 2 (pov henry)

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I stared out the window. I had been doing this for hours, waiting for Mari's return. Waiting for the possible end of my unbearable loneliness, one would think that the life of a prince would be exciting and full of awe and wonder. From the outside, it may appear that way. Glamorous parties, fancy jewels, and lavish spending, but I am unhappy. I understand I am selfish, but I can not help but wish for companionship. 

I live a lavish life, but I live it alone. I am unable to befriend my knights or servants, for they are intimidated by me. I cannot befriend the other princes and nobles for they either disrespect their staff or treat women in such a way that it would be morally wrong for me to turn a blind eye and befriend those Horrid ill-mannered cretins. 

Furthermore, I am unable to pursue a romantic relationship either for my parents are forcing me to marry one of the noble girls from our kingdom. My mother and father are at least letting me choose from a small pool of the smartest and most beautiful women in our kingdom. They have said that they will select 15 nobles and I am am to choose from them after spending a day with each. At least I get the opportunity to choose.

Whoever she is she sounds amazing but even if I was to love her I highly doubt that our relationship would remain stable for long considering the fact that we will have only known each other one day before marriage.

My thoughts were cut short as I heard the faint sounds of chirping coming from my window. I turned to look and saw Mari sitting there with a note wrapped loosely around his leg. I stood up and ran over so quickly that I almost tripped over my own feet. I picked Mari up and untied the note. I gently placed Mari into his cage and shut the small golden door. He chirped happily as he noticed the bowl of seeds in the corner of his cage. 

I was overcome by anticipation as I held the note in my hand and rubbed my finger up and down the fold in the paper.

"Hello, my name is Olivia, and I would be honored to exchange letters with you. I am overwhelmed with sympathy for your situation, for I also can not have a true conversation with those I surround myself with. (Your bird is quite beautiful.)" - Olivia 

I almost yelled in excitement when I discovered their willingness to speak with me. I pondered the fact that possibly I had managed to find someone who could understand the horrid loneliness that I faced. Olivia. What a beautiful name. Though it is quite a common name, it doesn't take away from its beauty. 

I pulled out a quill and a small glass container filled with ink and began to write. 

"Hello Olivia, your name is as sweet as your words. You are quite kind to respond. Your letter has truly brightened my day. I understand your situation and recognize it well. I aspire to help bring an end to your solitude if possible." -Henry 

I decided to let Mari rest for some time, for he must be tired. I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was over the moon about the response. After years of only talking to  Royalty and nobles, it shall be lovely to speak to someone who isn't stuck up and downright disrespectful. 

I was broken from my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door, my butler walked in. "Good morning, sir. Your parents wish to speak with you in the study; they've said it's quite urgent." 

"Thank you, Reginald." I stoop up and walked across the floor, my heels making a light clicking sound as they tapped the floor when I walked.

As I walked down the long decorated halls of the palace, I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I was quite worried. I knew what they were going to say, and I refused to hear it.                     I knocked on the door to the study. 

I waited for their muffled "come in," and I slowly opened the door and stood before my parents. 

"Come, sit." My mother said with a smile, I sat down upon a big gold and velvet chair. "So, as you know, you are approaching the time where you are to be married , yet you have shown no interest in any of the beautiful women you have met with." I interrupted my mother quickly. "Mother, you know that I could never marry a girl before getting to know her. It's wrong; it's quite odd." 

My father stepped in and cut me off; his voice was low and harsh. "Do not disrespect these women. It's not up for discussion. We understand that you are disinterested in all the royals and Nobel women you've met, so we've decided to hold a contest. We will be sent portraits and test scores from women from the north kingdom, and we will choose from them for you." 

My eyes widened, and I could feel the rage building up inside me. "Are you kidding me? Not only are you taking away my ability to marry a woman I love, you are also taking away that woman's ability to marry someone she loves." 

My father narrowed his eyes to me and raised his voice. "You have lost the ability to choose. We gave you a year. Now, we are choosing someone who will be good for our kingdom and will bond our two kingdoms together and make us stronger." 

My mother reached out and placed her hands on my shoulders. "it's what's good for the kingdom." I slowly stepped away and began to cry, and I turned on my heels and quickly walked back to my room. I tried to whipe my tears, but they continued to roll down my face. I felt so betrayed. 

All i wanted was to be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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