34. Revelations

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Damn James ....because of him I am suffering now, why we told him to become the engineering moon....I still don't understand why I agree to become one.........
I almost learned the choreography , now I have to prepare for the solo , I told p Axel that I am going to sing but what song I seriously need a smack on my head .....Damn ice you are agreeing things without even thinking anything...

You know what p Axel left me alone with these two weirdoes.....one is cold as ice and another one is prank king but both are very calm to me.

Ice ...let's leave for now p ohm told while taking his bag from the small couch we ate now at the engineering gym.

Ya ...i am so tired baby ice, you can practice tomorrow or you can do it in your condo p kao talked while half sleeping

Ok p ....I went to locker to take a bath and change, I was still angry with p Axel left me for a girl .....Damn ice why are you so pathetic he is just doing his work.......

You look hot baby ...I want to eat you whole I heard a voice from back I immediately looked back

What baby, shocked..why are you looking at the door if you are looking for that morons then let me tell you my boys are handling them, now like a good boy come with your hubby... James why is he here ? Where is P kao and Ohm ......he is looking at me like i am his pray

What are you doing here James ? Do you know how much trouble you caused to P Axel and the faculty? and what hubby I don't remember that ever I agreed for becoming your husband I told him....

ha ha ha ha ....don't worry ice soon you will become mine.....do you seriously believe that I will allow you to date that fucking head hazer , no way baby I already killed my half-brother for keeping you mine then Axel is just a piece of cake for me ......Ops

Who did you killed? what is he talking I had only one lover that is P Ceaser ......did he? did he ....killed P ..Ceaser ..no ..it's not possible .....he can't die ...no way ....YOU FUCKER STAY AWAY FROM P AXEL I KNOW YOU CANT DO ANYTHING TO HIM.......AND WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY AS FAR AS I KNOW NO ONE CAN TOUCH A SHADOW

Oh....you didn't know I thought your uncle Keith or your damn brother already told you about his demise ...my bad.....let me tell you baby ice that ex-lover of yours is no more I killed him ........do you want proof let me give you ..Thank god I still kept the photo of his life less body

he took his phone and showed me a photo in which P Ceaser was covered in blood ...i couldn't take a breath my vision is getting blurry I felt a familiar presence near me I know I can sleep now I am safe .....

Axel's POV

I was with my baby when Namthan called me; she told she has some revelation to make, so here I am waiting for that no 1 bitch who tried to trap P Ren, I thought P Ren already dealt with her ....

P Axel.......

Here the as always her slutty looks never fail to amuse me how could she behave this sweetly even after her dark intentions was revealed.

I am so glad that you came P I thought you will never give a chance to explain ...

I didn't come here for have this talk Mis Namthan , say what you want to say I don't have all day for a slut like you I told her she hanged her head low and first time I felt I did something bad ....why I am feeling bad she done wrong to people who are dear to me, her brother is planning to take my ice away from me ....

P I know I am a slut you don't have to feel bad for calling me like that I am not offended ...I never did anything right for you guys to feel pity on me ....I am not taking your precious time with your lover I just want to tell you that keep ice away from James as far as possible you don't know what he could do to him when he gets a hand on your lover and I promised someone that I will never let anything happen to his love of his life even if the title is now not belongs to someone else ....

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