Chapter 3

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Y/n and Marinette walked into school just in time until Alya storms towards them with a "crying" Lila and their Angry classmates.

Alya: I can't believe you!

Marinette just looked in disinterest .

Marinette: Can't believe what?

Alya: Don't play dumb! You pushed Lila down the stairs!

Their classmates were all upset as they just looked at Marinette in disappointment and angrier.

Marinette looked at Alya for a moment, then at Y/n she just smirked and giggled.

Alix: you think this is funny?

Y/n: Actually yes.

Alya just ignored y/n and pointed an accusing finger at Marinette.

Alya: you pushed Lila down the stairs!

Y/n: *mimicking Alya* You pushed Lila down the Stairs.

Marinette hit her by the arm while she Just giggled in laughter.

Y/n: Do you just realize how stupid you sound right know.

Alya: She did!

Y/n: Oh really? When.

Alya: the Beginning of lunch!

Y/n: She was with me how could she do it?

Kim: You might just be covering her since you just dislike Lila as well.

Lila: Which-Which doesn't make sen-se because all I did was try to be nice to her!

the class comforts her while Y/n just rolls her eyes.

Y/n: I don't dislike her... I just despise her.

Alya: What the fuck is wrong with you !?

Y/n: I could ask you the same thing Marinette was with me we went to her Parent's Bakery if you don't believe me ask her parents.

Lila wipes her tears away.

Lila: oh! uh I think my Lying disease acted up I'm sorry!

Alya: it's Alright Lila. *turns to Marinette* I warned you with messing with Lila Marinette you'll get what's coming.

Marinette: I never did anything! she's just lying why don't you believe me!

Alya: Because all you've done is lie and bully her because you're jealous of her amazing life.

Nino: Really Alya Seriously are you this dumb and naive !?

Suddenly everyone was calling her names and Adrien just ignored her that was the last straw for Y/n as she just snapped.

Y/n: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Can't you see your hurting her?

Alix: But she's the one who-

Y/n: I said Shut. the . fuck. up and I won't repeat myself!

Y/n walks to Lila as she backs up.

Y/n: I warn you Rossi Mess with Marinette and there are consequences for you. *whispering* I know what you did to Isabella and I will expose you for your crime.

Lila just stares at Y/n in shock till y/n walks off to Marinette and grabs her hand and walks off before giving Lila one last glare.

Marinette: You didn't have to do that they'll be on to you know.

Y/n: I don't care about they all I care is about your safety and protecting you they can believe that stupid Liar and her lies cause I can tell the type she is.

Marinette: Wow. it's like this has happen to you before.



the Phone was ringing as y/n's mother answers it.

Asa: Hello?

Police officer: is this Asa L/n?

Asa: Yes who's this?

Police: this is the Police office we need to talk to your daughter.

Asa: oh alright. Y/n someone needs to talk to you.

Y/n heads down stairs as her Mother gives her the phone.

Y/n: Hello?

Police officer: Hi miss we have so bad news.

Y/n: What is it?

Police officer: Your Girlfriend Isabella Blossom.

Y/n: Yes?

Police officer: I'm sorry but she has


(Flashback end)

Y/n: (Isa... I'm sorry.)

Marinette: Y/n are you okay?

Y/n: oh yeah I'm fine sorry. but don't worry Rossi will get what's coming.

While they were busy sitting and waiting for class to start they here a bang sound they all go outside to see Miss Buister frozen as a bunch off people are seen screaming while Everyone ran away while Y/n grabs Marinette's hand .

Y/n: Stay here I'll be back.

Marinette: But y/n.

Y/n: I'll get help just stay here.

Y/n runs out off the Bathroom after that Tikki comes out off Marinette's Bag.

Tikki: She really does care for you Marinette.

Marinette: Yeah. But no time to chat.

Tikki Spots on

(On the Rooftop)

Ladybug jumps on the roof where the villian is seen.

Ladybug: Stop right there!

Frozoner: Hi Ladybug the name is Frozoner hand me your Miraculous or else all of paris will be frozen beside how can you without Cat noir to help you!

Ladybug looks down in sadden till she hears a voice.

???: Ladybug don't listen to her!

Ladybug looks down to see Y/n there.

Y/n: My friend told me all the things he's done beside he doesn't deserve you someone will be there.

Ladybug suddenly had an idea she throws her yoyo towards Y/n and pulls her towards her as she picks her up and runs with her.

Y/n: Where are you taking me !?

Ladybug: I need your help!

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