Speaking of Pokémon-

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A/N- Love these boys, a true OTP

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A/N- Love these boys, a true OTP

Anyways, enjoy-

Night, 12:03 PM
Diamond was observant. Surely, he would've noticed he had been coughing up flower petals before now. His throat had been itchy for a while, but... a flower's petals? Diamond let the petals drift to the ground. He yawned, contemplating whether or not he should go back to bed or grab a snack. "I wonder if Pro Team Omega's on..." Diamond mumbled as he walked over to the small kitchen on the side of the hotel room. Whenever something was strange or uncomfortable, he would revert to his childish interests in some attempt to cope.

"Dia?" Pearl yawned, sitting up and stretching. Diamond looked over at Pearl who was sitting up on his bed on the far end of the room.

"Yeah?" Diamond yawned again, digging a bag of bread out of a cabinet.

"You're awake at this hour..?"

"Yep-" Diamond coughed into his sleeve.

"You've been coughing all week, dude. Even Lady's noticed, what's up?" Pearl slid out of the bed, stretching again.

"Must've caught a bug. I don't think it'll affect our routines, though." Pearl smiled at Diamond's reassurance, and Diamond smiled back, his face warm at the edges. He coughed again, petals fluttering onto the kitchen counter. Diamond quickly slid them onto the floor, and then tore off a piece of bread from the loaf. "Want some?" He held out the bread and Pearl shook his head.

"No thanks. I need to write down a couple ideas for skits and get a bit more sleep." Pearl dug a notebook out of his bag and sitting back down on his bed. Diamond turned on the television, bag of bread in hand.

Morning, 9:15 AM

"Wake up, Dia! We need to get going or Lady will kill us!" There was a thud, a pillow hit Diamond in the head.

"Uh.. morning.." Diamond yawned, sitting up. He smiled groggily at Pearl. Pearl smiled back and Diamond could feel his throat itch.

"Dia, are you alright? You're shaking." Pearl frowned, letting go of the pillow he held over his head.

"Oh.. it's just the cold." Diamond coughed into his sleeve, sitting up.

"Okay... Lady's probably waiting for us. She's super excited about the contest today." Pearl rested his hand on Diamond's shoulder, then walked over to the restroom. Diamond's stomach fluttered, and he swallowed the itch in his throat. The three of them had been staying in Hearthome City for a series of Pokemon Contests that Lady- Platinum, had been wanting to participate in. After collecting all of her gym badges, she had put everything into these contests, and as her friends, Diamond and Pearl joined her. Diamond slid out of bed and pulled on his contest outfit. He joined Pearl in the bathroom, and turned on the faucet. Diamond splashed his face with water, and looked at Pearl. Pearl was fumbling with his shirt's buttons, Diamond watching his shaky hands. He reached over and buttoned up the rest of Pearl's shirt. "Uh- thanks, Dia.." Pearl mumbled, looking rather embarrassed.

Speaking of Pokémon - Hanahaki Disease AU (clingyshipping)Where stories live. Discover now