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I didn't have any name ideas for the title, since it is a very short story. This is just a creative writing thing I did for homeschooling. Fenikkusu is based off a phoenix (Obviously), while Kuraudo is slightly based off Reshiram, the Pokemon.

Name Meanings:

Kuraduo - Cloud

Fenikkusu - Phoenix (You get the idea)


Kuraudo - They/Them

Fenikkusu - She/Her

Now on to the actual story:

Something flew down from the sky, leaving trails of cloud behind it. A swift creature with majestic wings filled with hundreds of feathers. The soft woosh from the flapping of its wings could be heard as it gracefully flew down. It stretched its front legs out, readying to land on the grassy cliff and folded its wings into its fluffy body. It has a thin snout, a dragon-like creature with fur as white as snow and fluff as soft as pillows. It dug its claws into the dirt and shook out its fur that was dabbled with a few raindrops from the storm a few hours ago. It strutted towards a small mountain that was hidden in the cliffs and walked in, shivering from the sudden cold emptiness of the cave. Stalactites grew down from the ceiling, some tiny, some almost touching the rocky ground. Most of them were damp with rainwater, condensation from the earlier storm. The dragon-like creature walked further into the cave, admiring their surroundings they had seen a hundred times. Finally they got to their destination, the centre of the cave where a large wooden door was settled. They got a hold of the door handle and pushed the heavy object open, using more of their strength than needed, eager to see a friend. Opening the door led the creature to a fieldland filled with rainbow flowers and a meadow stretching out to as far as the eye could see. Their fluffy white feathers shook in the wind and the dragon finally spotted what they came here for.

A dragon with feathers similar to theirs, although they were shades of red and orange, a fiery beast with bright pink eyes. Her black horns shone in the evening sun and she was about to pick a small blue flower from the bright green meadow. A soft smile made its way onto the white dragons face and they raced over to her, their claws tapping softly on the fluffy grass. Hearing the small sound, the female dragon turned her head and, seeing her best friend, smiled as well, bracing for impact. The white dragon crashed into her, sending them crashing to the ground and squashing a few flowers in the process. Giggling, she pushed them off her and stood up, shaking a few specks of dirt out of her elegant fiery feathers. "Fenikkusu! I've missed you!" The white dragon gleefully exclaimed. The red dragon laughed again and said. "I have missed your presence as well, Kuraudo." She replied. "Come on, you don't have to talk that posh around me." Fenikkusu's only reply was sticking her tongue out at them. She then turned around and started to walk towards the cottage that was in the distance. "Come on, I have a gift for you." Kuraudo ran to follow after her, excited for what could await them.

Kuraudo stood in Fenikkusu's bedroom, waiting for her to get her gift for them. Eventually, she found what she was looking for. She handed them a small box wrapped in bright silver paper with stars all over, tied off with a beautiful blue ribbon tied in a bow. Kuraudo hurriedly opened it, earning a chuckle from their friend. Inside was a velvet black box, very light to carry. Curious, Kuraudo opened it slowly, and their eyes lit up when they saw what was inside. A smile never left their face and they picked the silver necklace up with a single claw. They handed the jewellery to Fenikkusu so they could put it around their neck. Turning around, the cold silver draped around their fluffy white neck and they shivered at the feeling. They turned around again to face Fenikkusu, still grinning. On the end of the chain was a silver phoenix, red and orange feathers scattered around the majestic beast. Fenikkusu held up her own necklace, made of a thin gold chain. Hers has a bright white dove, holding a small blue flower in its mouth. Smiling, the two friends nuzzled each other, each taking in their soft feathers and feeling the happiest they'd been in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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