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Last time we spoke, I said this was the start of something much bigger. And boy was I right.

Ever since Prawn, life has settled. But a lot has still changed.

For one, Wyatt has grown his hair out, now reaching below his ears in a 'hot wildlife explorer' kind of way. We're doing great now that there aren't any secrets or missions between us.

Willa and I, shockingly, now get on. It was as much of a surprise to me as to anyone. She's still the strong leader this pack needs, but being a part of her second in command crew means she trusts me.

My favourite improvement is Wynter. She's on the football team. The football team! Werewolf rights and women's rights prevailing right there. So now, instead of the spontaneous threats of death, she channels all that anger into football and I feel bad for the other team and the guys in practice. Her tackles look like they hurt.

I said I was done with school completely. Learnt everything I needed to know with my hundred plus years out in the forest. However, all the pack are still going.

I say that, they forced me to attend the first day. Wyatt and Willa were pushing me to the school gates and shoving me through the entrance.

And I've been forced onto the Debate Team by everyone I know. It's great, really, it keeps my anger in check because I'm 'channeling it in something constructive' as Addison told me.

Another thing which is very important to note, is that the Moonstone has its own special place now. A rope around it so nobody can touch it, and even a little plaque to say what it is and its history. Although, we were here first.

It's amazing we can now all live in peace, however, Werewolves were in Seabrook before the settlers came, building this human society.

Not that I'm not thankful. Finally, we're all one big community and I wish my parents could see how far we've come.

And last but not least, there have been meteor showers. They're gorgeous to look at, amazing really. Like the stars are joining us. They've become frequent, but I don't know why. People think it's because of the Moonstone, but it was never like this when the Moonstone was out before.

It was the anniversary of my parents' death, so I went to the place they died, to the field where their blood was shed.

Now, it was a park. Covered in trimmed hedges, shaped trees, a set pebble path and bright grass with birch benches.

In the centre was a statue, one of a wolf sitting proud and looking ahead, a leader. Under that was a plaque that told passers by about a time before Seabrook was established, about the battles fought between man and beast.

Sitting on a bench facing the statue, I could only stare and reminisce. And I thought back on more than just my parents and the Elders: I thought back on Wyatt and us, on Addison, on Zed and Eliza and Bonzo and Wynter and Willa. The past year was filled with so much action I don't need another adventure.

"Hey." Wyatt sat next to me, resting his arms on the back of the seat.

"Do you have no decorum?" I scoffed, smiling at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Never." He nudged my arm, and I caved in, resting my head on his shoulder. "What are we doing here?"

Gently, the wind blew my hair, light stands covering my eyes. "My parents died on this day. Around the same area, too." He let me ramble on. "This area was the land nobody owned, so the battles were fought here."

"We can go to the cliff tonight, so you can look at the stars." He suggested, stroking my arm.

"I'd like that." We spent the next twenty minutes to an hour sitting in a comforting silence. I watched as humans walking dogs passed, some looking at me and smiling. There were groups of zombies and humans combined going through the part.

Everyone had an extra spring in their step, because of the game tomorrow. We were especially excited, because Wynter and some others of us were on the team. The championship football game.

Honestly? I couldn't wait.


What's your favourite song in this movie?? Mine has to be Come On Out, but I'm a sucker for anything to do with the Werewolves xD

And welcome to the second book!!!

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