LOVE OR REVENGE.... barrier of misunderstandings

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(part 1 )

Jungkook's character introduction:

Jungkook was an orphan his parents died when he was a month old,jungkooks aunt left him to an orphanage and he grown up there after he turned 13 he started earning money by teaching kids yonger than him. When he turned 16 years old he met with a successful business man called kim namjoon he was an single parent so he needed an baby sitter for his child and jungkook applied for that job and he started baby sitting the child and its been 2 years since he is baby sitting the kid. Namjoon is like a big brother to jungkook because he has helped jungkook a lot. Namjoon paid for his schooling fees and other expenses he also let him live in his mansion. They lived in ilsan for 2 years and now they are shifting to seoul because namjoon's company. Jungkook is really happy because he will be seeing a new place and he would be going to a unniversity but he was scared too because he had many bullies in his old school he didn't wanted that to happen in unniversity too.

Taehyung's character introduction:

Taehyung is an orphan too his parents died when he was 4 yrs old after his parents died his big brother kim seokjin took care of him he loves his brother a lot and he can do anything for him. Taehyung and jin were living a happy life until kim namjoon came in there life he ruined everything good in there life well thats what taehyung thinks he hates namjoon because his brother died because of namjoon and at any cost he will take his brothers revenge but he couldn't complete his revenge because namjoon left to ilsan after everything bad happened and now namjoon was coming back seoul after 3 years let's see what happens does taehyung remember his revenge? Will both of them meet again?

It was peaceful Sunday morning. Sunday is a day in which everyone rests and doesn't have any work to do but in namkook's case it was different since today they were shifting to seoul and they had many things to do. Namjoon has already bought a mansion in Seoul they have to pack their luggage and have to shift. All the luggage of their house would be packed and moved by the workers but they had to pack their clothes and their personal things. Currently our main character jungkook was in his room packing his clothes as fast as possible because after his packing he had pack joon-woo's clothes too, he was packing until a knock was heard on his door, he opened it...

Hyung..? (Kook)

Jungkookie are you done with your clothes? (joon)

Yes Hyung am almost done i'll start packing joon woo's clothes now!! (Kook)

Ohh good!! (Joon)

After a while jungkook was done with joon-woo's clothes too...

Okay all the luggage is sent to seoul now we should also leave..(joon)

Ywesss will go to nwe house!! (Joon-woo said exitedly giggling)

Yess baby you will be having so much fun there!! (Joon)

Appa i am cho happy!! (Joon-woo) I know my little angel now i think we should go!!


Yweshh!! (Joon-woo)

They all left the house and sat in the car... Hyung..(koo)

Yes kook? (Joon)

Have you been to seoul before? (Koo)

As jungkook asked the bad memory of the past started flushing in joon's mind...

N-no!! (Joon lied)

N-no!! (Joon lied)

But appa u said my eomma lived in Seoul!! (Joon woo)

Eomma? (Koo)

Yess appa said i had an eomma but fairies took him away!! (Joon-woo said sadly pouting)

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