Part 2 (Beach House)

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I was on the phone with Con packing for my trip to cousins. The fishers had already been there for a few days but now it was mine and my mothers turn to drive up. This year I am driving up as I am 17 now and have my license. "We have to leave in 10 mins C!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Hey Con I'll see you when I get there I've got to go" I said grabbing my phone "Okay see you C!" Con said before I hung up. I grabbed my suitcases and headed downstairs. I threw my stuff in the bed of my truck as well as my moms. I went back into the house for the last time for 3 months to grab my keys "okay mom I'll be out in the truck" about 4 minutes later she came out and we began our drive to cousins. Once we finally got there I stepped out of my truck and the first face I see is Jere I run up to him and hug him "Jere!!!" "Char!!" We both said as he picked me up in the hug "Look who came back all grown!" Jere said "I could say the same for you" I laughed "Miss Whitman!" Jere said in a formal tone, it was a joke they had had for years " Oh hello, Mr. Fisher" my mom said and laughed as she hugged Jere Sushannah then walked out and I greeted her in a hug follwed by my mom. "Oh um where's Con?" I spoke as I hadn't seen him yet "uh I don't know actually" Jere spoke and then I saw him.

Wow he looked different in person... I thought.

"Con!!" I yelled and jumped into his arms, it felt nice to see the infamous Conrad smile

Woah.. she got hot... wait no what that's C Conrad thought

"It's so nice to see you finnally!" Conrad spoke as he let me down. After everyone said there hellos I made my way up to my bedroom

Just how I remember it, truth be told it was somewhat nicer then my room back at home

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Just how I remember it, truth be told it was somewhat nicer then my room back at home. I sat on my bed and looked around. Everything looked exactly the same. Which was nice. I got out of my train of thought when I heard someone knock on my door. "Come in!" I said and then I saw Jeres head peak through the door before coming all the way in and sitting on my bed. "So what do you say wanna go down to the beach with me?" He spoke "uhhh idk jere I have to unpack you know..." I said teasing him a bit "please pretty please" he said giving "puppy dog eyes" I rolled my eyes at the boy "fine give me 10 minutes" I said and shooed him out of my room "I'll be waiting!" Jere said before I closed the door. I then went through my suitcase to find one of my bikinis which was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Then I finally found it aswell as a cover up

I then grabbed a towel and made my way down the stairs "come on Char let's go!" Jere yelled at me already walking out the door, that was one thing about us is that we all had different niknames for each other, Jere was Jere and to Jere I was Char ...

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I then grabbed a towel and made my way down the stairs "come on Char let's go!" Jere yelled at me already walking out the door, that was one thing about us is that we all had different niknames for each other, Jere was Jere and to Jere I was Char and while Conrad is con to me he's Connie to others, and we'll Con called me C he was really the only one who ever did. "So how's life been in ~good ol Texas~" he spoke the last part in a failed country accent "it's been good, I've been winning a lot of money" I winked at Jere "ooooo how bout them cowboys, been breaking any hearts" he spoke jokingly but it wasn't a joke I was a full on heartbreaker and whilst Con knew all this I hardly ever talked to Jere "you know it!" I laughed as we got to the end of the walk with the beach in sight "race ya?" Jere smirked "you know I don't think so, I couldn't keep up your legs are so long-" I spoke the last part quickly and started running "cheater!" Jere laughed as we both threw our towels on the ground he eventually caught up to me a couple feet before the water and picked me up I screamed "Jere put me down! Now!" I yelled before getting thrown into the water we both had splashed around for a bit before it started getting dark, we were only swimming for around 30 minutes as I had gotten there late because of the far trip "let's head back?" Jere had asked me "yeah I'm getting tired" I laughed but Jere knew I was lying, I had always had so much energy we made our way back to the beach house " look who came back finally " con said " we were only out for like 40 minutes calm down" we all sat on the big L couch I sat in between Con and Jere and put a show on the Tv for a bit before I heard Con say "I'm going out for a swim" I looked over to see Jere knocked out "I'll join you" I smiled at got up I still had my bikini on from when me and Jere went. Conrad got in while I decided to just sit on the edge with my feet in the water "how was your swim with Jere" Con asked emurging form the water "it was good, fun" I said knowing something was bound to come up about my recent "hookup" thought I wouldn't say that was what it was " sooooo...." Con started "no don't even" I said laughing at him "come in with me C" he came over to me and grabbed my hands "the waters nice and warm" I rolled my eyes just before Con had put his hands around my waist and pulled me in " hey! I didnt say I wanted to get in." I said pouting "and I didn't ask" Con said before going under the water the lights in the pool were just bright enough to somewhat see him under I turned around when the lights went off in the house "looks like they forgot about us" I said when con finnally rose from the water I guess so he had came closer to me I was a bit confused as to why and then I was dunked under I quickly gasped to the surface "Conrad you dick!" I said splashing him at this moment we were closer then ever. My breathing had slowed and Conrad had gotten closer he leaned in and out lips were bound to touch. And then the lights turned on. Making me and Con jolt away from each other "Hey guys thought I would join the party" Jere said making his way over to the pool

Did I almost just kiss Conrad... what the fuck I almost just kissed Conrad. I thought

Fuck Jere why'd you have to ruin it for Me. Conrad thought

"Oh yeah big ol' party here" I laughed the rest of that night was tense between me and Con but other then that we all had fun.

My apologies if this is a bit messy, it's late and I'm coming up with this on the spot😅but I hope you guys enjoy it so far!


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