First Love

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"You hardly have some time left Jungkook"

Jungkook hummed to the words of the man in front of him. He just smiled to himself and looked at the doctor

"Hardly some time means how many months o-or week-"

"It's better to say by days dear" the man who probably was in his forties held the other's shoulder by giving a sad rather a sympathetic smile.
it all started with a drop, precisely a drop of blood. At first, Jungkook avoided it, thinking it might be of stress or nervousness.

But it started getting serious after it was a frequent thing in his daily life day.. he had been admitted to the hospital for a whole week. He didn't know a small drop of blood could change his life completely.

The doctor had said that treatment could help, so he started the treatment too. Even if he was in the third stage of cancer, he always kept a smile on his beautiful face. He was always strong, but now..he was shattered completely..knowing that..he had only some days to live.

"Days means, precisely h-how many?"

"Almost a week jungkook-ah"

The raven head gulped at the doctor's words. He had a week and he needs to be these seven days to be the happiest days of his entire life.

"Jungkook, I know you are broken dear,but I don't know how-"

"Doctornim, it's okay it's my fate, even though fate had never made me happy, I will just accept it as my fate"

The doctor sighed and hugged the other boy, "I am sorry"

Jungkook chuckled with a hint of bitterness in it, "Don't be, thank you for treating me like a younger brother"

The other man broke from the hug and smiled sadly. Jungkook looked down at his hands with a smile, "I want these days to be the happiest days of my life, I want to do so many things that make me happy"

"Then do it,do what makes you happy"The doctor said and ruffled his fluffy hair.


Hey, are you free?

Can we meet today

Hyungie ♥️


What? Why?

Oh hyungie just tell me if we can meet or not

Hyungie ♥️

Uh sure

Great I will go to the park we used to go

Hyungie ♥️


Uhm nvm ok

Taehyung came to the park where they were supposed to meet, Jungkook was sitting there wearing a cute oversized t-shirt. He couldn't deny, that the younger looked so cute in oversized outfits. He went towards the younger and went beside him.

"Hey,uhm why did you call me?"

Jungkook smiled and stood up, "First of all tell me do you have a lover now?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Did you call me here for just asking me this?"

"Oh just tell me"

"No I haven't, also why are you acting so calm, like we aren't exe-"

First Love | Taekook✔️Where stories live. Discover now