Quiz 3! :D

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okayssss! hey, 3 is a magic number! (From School House Rock) well, 2hope u like quiz 3! :D


What type o' music u like most?

Country- I kicked

rock- I sang to

Classical- I kissed

Hip hop-  I killed

Rap- I talked to

bluegrass- I yelled at

Jazz- I made fun of

blues- I creeped out

none- I ate

um, all?-  I attacked

How many siblings u have?

0- Barney's

1- My grandma's

2- my

3- my house's

4- my pet chicken's

5- My dad's

6- my mom's

7- Bloody Mary's

8- Bob the Ferret's

9- the little mermaid's

10- My Brother's

more!- The Narwhal's

Wat ur favorite subject in school/

math- pet goat

science- pet rock

reading- new car

spelling- sock

lunch!- toilet

recess!- diaper bag

geography- treehouse

history- flying pet pig

english- boyfriend

p.e.- girlfriend

art- pet ferret

music- moldy sofa

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2011 ⏰

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