No Control

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As I was finishing the last chapter in my all time favorite book, I leaned over to check the huge clock hanging on my wall. 8:45 pm. 3 hours had passed without me even realizing it. What was I forgetting? I took the walk down my long hallway when it hit me. Tonight was New Years Eve..

How could I have forgotten? I raced back to my room as my phone began to ring. "Hey Em." Music blasting in the background. "Sophie! Sophie can you hear me?" I could barely hear her voice. "Where are you?" She quickly replied. "At a New Years party. Where are you?" Embarrassed that I was sitting at home all alone I didn't want to reply. "Hmmm, well." Gasp through the phone. "Sophie, you better not be at your house alone on New Years Eve."

"Well I mean.." She cut me off right there. "I'll be over in ten minutes." Before I could get a word in she had already hung up the phone. Not even ten minutes passed and I heard a big knock on the door. Her loud petite voice echoing through the glass. "Sophie Rose you better open this door right.." Slowly I opened the door and sure enough her and her big white smile was waiting there. She ran right past me, up the long stair way and straight to the towering closet in the back of my room.

"This." She handed me a short, revealing white dress. Never planning on wearing this out in public, it had sat in my closet for almost a year. "Uhh.. I don't know Em.. It's a little.." She pushed me into the closet, giving me no choice to wear it or not. It was tight. Something that I clearly was not used to.

I walked out slowly when I heard a high pitched scream near the corner of the room. "What happened? Are you okay?" I frantically ran to her. Her jaw on the ground. "Nothing Sophie. You just look pretty damn hot." "Whatever." I laughed turning towards the mirror.

A change of outfit, and I barely could recognize who I was. My long voluminous curls complimented the fit of the dress. All the skin on my tan legs exposed. She grabbed some lipstick in her purse, spreading it all over my full lips. "Now we're ready."

Fifteen minutes passed and we were barely arriving up to the house. There were cars lining up and down this beautiful Californian street. I stepped out of the car, beer bottles strewn about the lawn. The darkness of the night made it difficult to recognize any faces but I didn't know many people anyways.

Clusters of people scattered throughout the lawn. Emily grabbed my hand and led me inside where we had to push past hundreds of kids. There were couples making out in all corners of the house, kids dancing to music that was way too loud, and not one person without a red cup in a hand. The air was steamy and hot, I could barely handle myself. As I was squeezing my way through I felt a faint tap on my shoulder. An attractive blonde with piercing blue eyes stood right in front of me. "Can I get you a drink?" He tried to blur out. "Yeah sure." I yelled back. He grabbed my hand and led me to a corner with a group of people he seemed to know.

He handed me a red cup and I pressed it to my lips. "Only a cup Sophie and that's all." I told myself. The warm liquor slid down my throat, stinging every inch. How did people drink this everyday? And more so like it? "Who's the chick?" A girl with all tattoos rudely blurted out. "Sophie." I awkwardly stood around. "I'm Alex. Nice to meet you." He took a sip of his drink. "These are my friends." he pointed to four different people, three boys and a girl. "Want to dance?" Alex grabbed the cup out of my hand, and dragged me to the dance floor. The song was shaking the dance floor and I had never felt so part of something in my life. Staring at this guy, he was attractive in every way. But the more I kept dancing I realized how forced and unnatural it was. "I'll be right back." I said into his ear. As I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm, and wouldn't let it go. "Shut up Sophie. He grabbed my face, smashing my lips on his." "Get off me!" I yelled, a lot louder then I had realized. The music stopped and suddenly the people around me had backed up, silent, with blank less stares in their eyes. "Come on, never had any fun with a guy in your life?" He laughed, mocking me. "Are you a virgin?" Laughs arose in different parts of the crowd. "No." I quickly responded. He started to laugh and walk towards the people. "So here's what's gonna happen.." What had I just done? "Since this girl claims she's a virgin, someone's going to take her to the bedroom upstairs and give her the night of her life. Volunteers? Anyone?" My heart was beating so fast, I could have thrown up right there. Hands began to rise in the crowd. Boys from all different corners, volunteering to take me upstairs. When suddenly, someone started walking towards us from the middle of the crowd. "I'll take her." The most beautiful boy standing in front of my eyes. Tattoos covered his arms, cut off by a black shirt that fit snug around his biceps. He ran his hands through his black curly hair, then glanced over at me. His emerald eyes not breaking contact with mine. "Wow Harry, how brave of you." Alex started to laugh. "Tell me every little detail." Whispering into his ear. He grabbed my hand, guiding me to the stairs. The crowds split, making a pathway for us to walk through. My heart was beating so fast, he could have felt it by touching my hand. When we reached the top, the crowd started to cheer. Still leading me he took me into the room, closing the door behind him. "You're an idiot." He immediately stated. "Excuse me?" I could not be more confused. "For talking to Alex. He's a jerk.." "Oh. Yeah I noticed." I softly laughed. He walked to the bed sitting at the end of the covers. "So your name?" His eyes meeting mine. "Sophie Thompson. And yours? Mystery man.." He got up. Slowly glancing at different things in the room, not fully paying attention to my presence. "Harry Styles." He leaned over, with a look that was almost painful. I was surprised the way he looked at me but nothing was more surprising as to what happened next. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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