Chapter 2

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They're in New York now, in a taxi going where? Tzuyu doesn't know.

She's just following Sana's lead.

Tzuyu was just giggling constantly in the taxi just thinking about Momo. It's been so long since she had last seen her. Sana was just giving her weird looks.

They got off the taxi when Sana spotted a man and gave him a piece of paper asking if he knew where the address was.

"Oh the sweet little girl next door, Momo" the man replied

"Yeah Momo"

"She's my neighbor. Look no further young lady she lives right there in that apartment" the man pointed at the apartment above them.

When the man pointed there Tzuyu's eyes just got stuck there. She was just looking at those pink curtains with a smile on her face.

That's where my Momo lives.

"She's probably sleeping right now. You must be the sister she's been talking about" the man said to Sana.

"Sister huh? And you must be the old man she's been talking about" Sana replied in a rather sarcastic tone.

"Probably" the man just smiled and left.

When Sana looked over at Tzuyu she was still looking up at Momo's apartment, smiling.

Tzuyu was still smiling like an idiot when Sana pulled out a bunch of cash from her pocket and gave it to a guy.

"Buddy this is the rent for a month" she said while handling the cash to that guy.

"What was that?" Tzuyu asked.

Sana showed her a key and replied "It's the keys to the that apartment"

She pointed at the apartment which was right across Momo's.

They got inside the apartment and Sana started looking out the window with a pair of binoculars.

"Sana what're you doing?"

"Forgot about the mission so soon huh?"

"Oh right Momo"

Tzuyu made her way next to Sana and asked for the binoculars.

Sana handed her the binocular and said "Seems like she's still sleeping. Keep looking from this and when she wakes up call me"

Tzuyu agreed and kept looking through the binocular.

After a while the curtains opened and a kind of an old lady was there.

Tzuyu's mouth hung open and she started screaming in despair.

"W-what what happened?" Sana asked panicking herself.

"M-momo look at her. S-she has changed so much"

Sana took the binoculars from her and looked through it.

"Have you gone insane? From which angle does she look like Momo. It's time to change the number of your glasses Miss Chowchow" Sana said while rolling her eyes.

"It's Tzuyu actually..."

How can this girl mistake Momo for this old lady?

Momo has the softest skin like a baby, rosy cheeks, beautiful eyes...


What're you thinking about Sana?

Sana kept looking through the binoculars when she saw her.


"Momo" she whispered.

"Oh? Please can I look at her now?" Tzuyu tried to take away the binoculars away from Sana but Sana didn't move.

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