Your Hyungs Aren't Home, Maknae! [2/2]

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Part 2 requested by     abcdefghijklmn__qrst

It had been a few days since the  incident with Jungkook had happened. The hyungs felt extremely guilty for inviting people into their home who ended up hurting their maknae. They already cut all ties with the 3 who had beaten him up.

Jungkook hadn't said anything to his hyungs but his chest had started to bother him a bit after he had been kicked repeatedly in it. He didn't want to alarm any of them, he figured it was just bruising that was sore and it would go away within a few more days. He didn't want to tell his hyungs because he already knew how guilty they felt over everything that happened and he didn't want to make their guilt even worse. He wanted to tough it out on his own while trying to make sure nobody noticed. The hyungs had begged for forgiveness over and over again in which he constantly told them he was fine and they really had nothing to be sorry for. That still didn't make their guilt go away.

They were already protective enough as it was, but after Jungkook getting beaten up, their protective instinct towards him kicked into overdrive. They stopped letting other people come over to the house for the time being. They seemed to have more PTSD than the maknae himself.

His chest pain seemed to really start taking a toll on him once they were back in the studio for recordings and dance practice. One day they were in the recording booth and Jungkook was supposed to be singing the high notes except once he reached a certain note it hurt too much to go higher. He was having a lot of trouble getting his pitch right.


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"Aish.." Jungkook kept complaining every time he missed the note, "Sorry."

"Maybe we should take a break," Namjoon suggested. Jungkook agreed and stepped out of the recording booth. "I'm sorry...maybe I just need to warm up a bit more or something.." Jungkook said. Jimin told him that was a good idea so Jungkook tried doing some more vocal warm ups but even that proved to be too difficult. He kept feeling out of breath and it was making sharp pains shoot from his chest to lungs.

"Are you alright?" Hobi asked. He noticed the maknae was having some difficulty with things that he was usually completely fine doing.

"I'm fine hyung. Maybe I just need some water.." Jungkook told everyone. He left the studio and stopped in the bathroom to splash water on his face. He was feeling a bit hot and exhausted. He also felt extremely disappointed in himself. Get it together maknae, what is going on with you lately?!

He pulled his shirt collar down to inspect the bruising that was on his chest. There were multiple black bruises. Ouch. They'll clear up soon enough.

He made his way to a vending machine and grabbed a cold water and returned to the recording studio. He didn't tell his hyungs but he also snuck down some advil to try and help with his chest pain. "I think I'm good to go now," he told his hyungs. "If you think so," Yoongi replied and turned his producing equipment back on. The maknae was still having too much trouble reaching the high notes and he felt terrible. Taehyung asked if maybe Jin should try the high notes. They all looked to Jungkook. "Maknae? Would you rather me do them?" Jin asked. He felt bad about it though, he never wanted to take Jungkook's parts of the songs but it seemed like the youngest couldn't do it. Nobody knew why.

Your Hyungs Aren't Home, Maknae! [Jungkook Hurtfic/Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now