November 1st, 2021

16 1 0


I wake up to my alarm, which is set as a duck, quacking in my ear. The time is 5:20 AM, early morning practice. Great!

It's November 1st, the day ice hockey season starts which means all the dickwads come out to play. I especially hate it because it means we have to change in the same building as the hockey players due to renovations. In Massachusetts the hockey and soccer seasons overlap for approximately three weeks, stupid.

I walk to my dresser and pick out black leggings, white high top converse, and a Miami t-shirt for my days clothes. For my practice outfit I take out my Brooks High soccer shirt and a pair of black shorts. I add pair of sweatpants on top of my shorts before adding a blue Patagonia puffer.

I put my makeup bag into my back pack before freshening up.


"Hey! What's for breakfast? I yell down the stairs. "Come down and see!" my older brother screams back. Did I forget to mention I have a snobby older brother? Probably. His name is Reed and he's a junior on the varsity ice hockey team.

"Seriously? Eggs again?" I whine. "With toast!" he replies excitedly. I roll my eyes and put some eggs on my toast.

"We both have morning practice today so I'll drive you to and from school." he states. I can't argue because our mom is still asleep and would make me late, our dad already left, and I don't have my drivers license and am not about to bike to school. "Fine."

I clear my plate while Reed spins his keys around his finger. I grab my backpack and soccer bag and follow him out the door. I go to sit down in the passengers seat but am stopped by Reed grabbing my wrist saying, "I'm also driving my friend Cole to school so you have to sit in the back."

I shape mouth in an 'o' and get in the back being too tired to argue. I pull out my phone and reply to the few notifications I have. I will admit, it gets slightly lonely sometimes not having anyone to FaceTime or rant to about school. I only have my family and Lola who are always busy. Oh well.


"What's up bro?!" Cole shouts from his porch walking down to get into my brothers black jeep. He gives me a small a smile to which I smile back to.

I zone out looking at the large houses we pass by on the way to school. "Right Avery?" my brother says clearly trying to the conversation I know nothing about. I nod. I notice Cole looking at me through the side view mirror but pretend to not notice.

We arrive at school and I get out of the car and walk with Reed and Cole to the building. "Avery meet me outside the rink at 4, we have a team meeting this afternoon too." I give him a thumbs up and we wish each other a good day at school.

The locker room goes silent when I walk in. That silence is quickly interrupted by Lola, "How come you never told us that you brother is Reed Williams?" I shrug my shoulders. "Also walking in with Cole and Reed everyday definitely will get you more cheerleader friends." Lola whispers in my ear making me chuckle.

"Aright lets go everyone!" snaps Maya the captain. Maya is really nice she is just focused on being a good captain.

As the team and I walk out I make eye contact with Cole and we exchange a smile.


"Can I go get a drink of water?" I ask Mr. Adams in 3rd period. He gives me a nod yes and I walk out to go get water. I don't notice but the cheerleader Eleanor follows me out.

"What were you doing with Cole this morning you bitch?!" she says quietly but with a very strong tone of anger while shoving me against the lockers. "My brother d-drove him to school. I-I was just in the c-" I get cut off by a low and angry voice. "Back off Eleanor." She turns her head letting me notice it's Cole. I would've been able to deal with this myself I think while she shoves me against the lockers one more time before letting go. So much for extra cheerleader friends.

Cole and I watch Eleanor walk back into the classroom and then he starts a conversation. "I'm so sorry about that. She's my girlfriend." Of course they're dating. "Thought you only did flings." I reply after clearing my throat and walking to the water fountain. "I just saved your ass!" he says arrogantly.
I roll my eyes. "Thank you, Cole." I reply sarcastically.

The minute I walk back into class I feel bad for how responded to Cole but in my defense he should really tame his psycho girlfriend.


I read in the library until 3:55 which is when I started walking to the rink. I sat down at one of the benches and overheard talking, "Does Avery have a thing with Cole?" It's Eleanor. I butt into their conversation. "Nope." I say in a sweet voice. Just as Eleanor was about to open her mouth and say something I spotted Reed.

"Hey!" I say him happily. "I heard about what happened with you and Cole, you should really learn how to contain your anger." I raise my eyebrows in shock. "You're really taking him and his crazy girlfriends side over mine?" He nods with a chuckle, "no but Avery cmon now. He's a nice kid! You probably are just being a bitch because you like him!" Reed whispers so no one else hears. "I'm just gonna go home with mom! You have fun you dick!" I shout before flipping him off making sure he sees.


I sit waiting on the bench at the front of the school and get a call from mom.

"Honey I'm so sorry but there's so much traffic that I might not get there until 5:30. I suggest getting a ride with someone else? Maybe your brother?" she asks. "No way. Then it would mean he won. I'll try get a ride with one of the hockey players that are still here." I reply with anger.

The hockey players are all huge perverts and there's no way I'm gonna risk anything.  I'm not asking Reed which leaves Cole and Xander, but Xander already left. Dammit. 

"Okay Mom I'm gonna get a ride with one of Reed's friends. See you back at the house later, love you." I say before hanging up. I then notice Cole exit the building.

"Cole!" I shout. He looks up and we start walking to each other. "Okay so I'm really sorry about earlier and I just wanted to-" I pause, "are you crying?"

"Eleanor broke up with me." he whimpers. I choose to not ask why and just pull him into a hug. His body is warm and like a rock because of all his muscles. His strong arms wrap around my waist as he cries into my shoulder. I can't help but feel more comfortable and safe than ever. I wiggle out of his grasp and wipe his tears.

"What were you gonna ask me?" he says in a quiet and sweet voice. "I was gonna ask you to drive me home but it's alright." I start to walk away but he grabs my waist and says, "I can drive you home. And about earlier, it's okay." I smile and we walk to his car. Our hands brush and I quickly pull my hand away after I feel the butterflies swarm in my stomach. He opens the car door for me before putting his hockey gear in his bag. Thank god he went home to get his car after school, otherwise I'd be fucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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