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A fierce howl splintered the hive. Thrax's rage shuddered through the bond. It snapped Rowan out of palsy. Hessa was charging at her with rancorous shrieking.

Her knees were giving out, violence raging in her chest. Whatever Thrax was bellowing at her was drowned out by the wrecking thunder of her heart. She could feel his dread swooping into her—fear for her! She was frozen at the ledge, the egg trembling in her grasp. Hessa leaped, stinger aimed for the strike. Rowan launched the egg over the edge and dove out of reach. She rolled and turned, clawing at the ground to halt her momentum.

Hessa's gaze swooped over the edge as she collapsed to the ground, talons grasping at air. Rowan crouched, rigid, eyes fixed to the monster queen. Her grip was naked without her mirok dagger. It was still impaled in the rock below with the shackles.

Thrax snatched her around the waist and spun her behind him. A wall of warg muscle stood between her and Hessa as the queen's eyes turned deadly red. Hessa was so livid, she appeared beyond words. Capable only of vitriolic squalling that ripped out of her splayed pincer mouth. There was murder in her gaze as she began to stalk them.

The hive dome trembled, dust and rock shooting down around them. Rowan flinched behind Thrax, eyes burning under the onslaught.

Thrax was covered in vishwa blood as well as his own. There were gouges all over his wolf skin, the fur on his back matted with white viscera. But he held the mirok sword with steady wrath and strength of purpose.

"Save your egg, Hessa!" Rowan shouted from behind him. "It's not too late, just let us go!"

The feral sounds stopped as Rowan's words sunk in. The queen stormed back to the edge and bent over to look for herself. Snarling erupted as she began spooling the silk bungee up by her forearm.

Rowan's hands were at Thrax's sides, tugging him backwards. His back was tense, his glare fixed on the queen, but he was steadily backing away with her.

Hessa shot evil looks at them as she yanked on the rope, her movements nimble. "I'll eat you alive!" she hissed. "I'll suck out your brains through your ears! You're dead when I get hold of you!"

"Run!" Thrax growled, brandishing the mirok fang. "Find Barthac and the others, I'll take care of her."

But the queen had her egg now and was tearing at Shebol's anchor silk to get it loose. Her glare was tracking the mirok fang in Thrax's grip. More soldier drones were rushing in. The hive crumbling around their ears.

Rowan's vision clouded. Raw panic lashed down her spine as she watched Hessa free the egg with a sharp yank. If that egg moved away from the edge, the plan was dead. They would be dead.

Insidious clicking filled the crescent hall as Hessa wheeled around to face them. Her back was to the water, her stinger thrust out over the drop-off. She was no longer watching her egg. It was safe in her grasp. As Rowan feared, Hessa started forward, stinger creeping back from the drop-off.

Thinking fast, she darted out from behind Thrax, planting her feet wide so that she was standing alongside the drop-off. Live bait. Like a cobra, Hessa's black eyes zeroed in. The queen swerved towards her, grinning hatefully as her three drones knocked Thrax down.

His bellow was agonal, splintering through her. Roaring for her to run! But she couldn't tear her focus from Hessa. Her heart rattled in her chest, in the throes of terror. "Now!" she screamed over the water. "Now!"

"Yes! Now!" Hessa seethed, storming forward. "Now you die, little fly!"

"You first!" Rowan's eyes shot wide as the mirok lunged up from the water, its eyes on the egg.

Mated to the Warg, (Wargs of the Outland, #1)Where stories live. Discover now