My cake

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You know how it goes.

"Someone talking"
'Someone thinking'
'some random noise"

Here we go!!

~Main character's pov:
I was looking at the sky. It was pink-ish and very pretty. I'm just sad that she couldn't see it.

"Hey! Get outta here before I kick your ass", Someone yelled so I got up and started running to my apartment.

I ran to my small apartment. It is baby blue, has white door and some flowers next to it. Sunflowers, my favorite. Even tho sky was turning gray, sunflowers continued shining.

I enterd the house to see my roommate lying in our gray sofa. "Where were you? I told you to be here in ten minutes. Were you in the cemetery again", She said. "Erm, yes. I was talking to her grave", I responded to her. "You need to get over it, there is nothing you can do anymore ", She said and continued doing her thing.

I knew it, I could have done something before she died. "Yea, I know. I'm glad you're here to keep me company."
She just nodded in response.

My roommate was one of my close friends, she was one of my only friends. When she died, my roommate was there for me, she took me in different places to cheer me up.

"Hey, my birthday is comming soon, would you like to come on a trip with me?" I asked hoping for a 'yes'. "Umm, when?", I began thinking. "Erm, in a few days?." I suggested. "Sorry" she got up from the sofa "I have to be at my parents house to spent time with them then. They are going to move soon", she andswered. "Sure", I said to her when she went to the kitchen. 'No problem', I thought.

When she came back to the livingroom, she tossed me a bottle of Fanta. "Take this, go to your room, I want some peace", She said. I loved Fanta, so I caught it and went to my room. My roommate has had some panick attacks, so I gave her peace. I had to think when was I going to see my parents again.

I went to my balcony to take some fresh air. 'It's going to rain, I can smell it', I thought looking at the sky, it was now fully gray.

I woke up in the balcony. I didn't have time to think about sleeping in there so I went to the kitchen. There was my roommate, she had this super big t-shirt and only her underwear on. It didn't bother me tho, we were close. I said hi to her and she just nodded.

"Go to the bathroom and take a shower, your smelly shirt makes me sick", she said. I went right away to the bathroom, she had once told me that her nose was sentitive and I didn't want her to be sick.

When I was done showering,. I went for a walk. I saw one of my friends and he came to talk to me. "Hey girl. Do you still live with Aisha? Isn't she rude", He said. "No way king. She is so nice, she always says that she would probably move out, but she is kind enough to stay and keep me company. How is Ash?" I responded. "Umm, He is cool. And he has finally given in. He is moving in with me in the end of this month!"

I continued walking after our little small talk. I came to my favorite lake. It has so clear water, it's amazing. I could smell lavender, it was one of my favorite. When I sat down, I felt someone next to me. I looked who was beside me. It was an angel. Beautiful angel, but I felt sick to my stomach looking at it. It was watching at the water, mabye thinking something important, because it looked disturbed. We sat in silence a while until I stand up. I left the angel alone. I felt like it didn't matter in this story.

I came back to our apartment, my roommate was gone. She left without leaving a note saying where she went. I felt bad, but I deserved it. I didn't tell where I was going. I did notice a beer. I don't drink, she doesn't drink. Who's was it? I had no idea, but I threw it away anyways. That is how we did things, she left a mess, I cleand it. She smoked, I took care of the smoke. She didn't sometimes return home, I worried.
It may sound silly, but she was depressed, I had to take care of her, she is my friend. If I wasn't here, no one else is, she might even commit it. So I bare it, for her. It will get better, she had said so many times.

In the morning when I woke up, she was next to me, she had love marks all over her neck. I didn't know what to do, do I wake her up? Do I go and make breakfast to both of us? Do I go back to sleep.
I went and did breakfast for us, it felt like the best option. She had woken up. "What did you make?" She asked. I made omelette. It was okay, but she didn't like it. "I told you many times, I don't like eggs", she commented, but ate all of it. I felt stupid, how could I forget. "Sorry".
That's what I always say.
Sorry, sorry sorry.
It was the best thing to say to her.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
But I had clearly said it too much, because she stormed out.

What a waste of time.
It always ended like this.
I don't get how I didn't just run out of the house.




It does never end.

It's life, someone is lucky enough to have a best friend.

I wasn't lucky.

I had only a cake with me that night.

My birthday cake.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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