Chapter 3 Emily

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Emily didn't want to get out of bed. She knew when walked down the halls to the kitchen her parents wouldn't be there. She would never see them again. She didn't understand why that drunk driver walked away with out a scratch but her parents had to die.
She knew she had to get up. Her sister Raven would be there any minute to help her go through her parent things. She still had to get the paper work gathered to for the insurance. Know she had lots to do she managed to drag her self out of bed. While she waited for Raven she could get the paper work ready. She knew her parents kept all important papers in a safe behind the desk and the code was the year 2004.
She went into her parents office and open the safe. She found what she was looking for. She also found a box with her name on it and a letter written to her.
She would open the box up later after Raven had gone home,but she decided to read the letter.

Dear Emily
My name is Selena Arisman. I am your birth mothe. My family are witches and so are you. You have two have 2 sister Daisy and Aria. You are triplets. I had to put you up for adoption when you were 2 weeks old because of a gift you was given when I was still pregnant with you. I am afraid I can not say more in this letter. If you wish to know more about your sisters and your gift. My address is 1492 Redwood road. I really hope to see you.
Love Your Mother.

Emily could not believe was she read she start tugging at her bleach blond hair and started to cry. Why did her parents not tell her she was adopted. What was she supposed to do know. She would have to speak to Raven about this Raven always knew what to do it situations like this.
It didn't take long for Raven to show up. While Emily help baby Sophie. She told Raven all about the note and what it said. " Your adopted?" She gasped. " Don't worry. You will always be my sister. I love you. Let's open the box."
They open the box up and inside was two books one spell book and one journal. She looked at Raven " Should I go meet her." She asked " Of course you should go meet her. You will regret it if you don't.' "You right Daisy sighed." "I will go." "That good now if you have that paper work I really must get going."Raven said standing up. Daisy said "Sure, it's right here. I will talk to later sis. I love you. Raven smiled "I love you to"

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