Stories In My Flesh

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A/N Just a story that I wrote so you got a feel of how I write^-^ Hope you enjoy<3

Trigger Warnings: Self Harm, Blood, Foul Langue, and Attempted Suicide


It started with a few loose threads, a couple of hate comments here and there. But suddenly it unraveled into something more. Like a snowball down a snowy hill, starting off small but gradually becoming bigger and bigger until its too late to stop. Jai didn't mean for it to get this far, honestly. It was just his way of coping, but nobody ever said it was the best way to go about it.

Jai sat on his bathroom floor, leaning against the dark oak wood cabinet on which a glass bowl sink sat upon. His phone laid in trembling hands as he sullenly scrolled thru the notifications on twitter. Disgusting and hurtful hate comments filled the screen. A sharp pain poked at his heart as he read what horrible things people had to say. His mood substantially dropping lower and lower with every word.

What hurt the most was when "fans" compared him to his twin, Luke. Jai was always looming in Luke's shadow ever since they were little. People always asking who's better at soccer? Who is stronger? Who is smarter? Luke was always better than him at everything. But Jai could never blame his twin, its not like he was asking for all the attention. Never the less it still hurt.

Hot tears ran down his cheeks as he let out a shuddery, broken sigh. The comments became nastier as he scrolled down farther. Not being able to take anymore Jai dropped his phone on the hard cold tile not caring if the screen cracked or not. Jai was far beyond caring about such petty things.

Jai brought his shaking hands to his creamy skin in a feeble attempt at drying the tears. He hauled his shuddering frame onto shaky legs. He grabbed the sink to balance himself. Jai stared at his reflection. He noticed how under his eyes laid dark circles from not sleeping at night. Tears cascaded down his eyes like a waterfall.

"Fucking pathetic." his voice was gravelly making him grab the edge of the sink till his knuckles turned white. Jai shook his head and moved away from the mirror. He dragged his feet to the door and swung it opened. The aussie made his way to his bed and lifted the right edge a little. Under the mattress laid his best friend. A single silver blade gleamed at him seemingly smiling welcomingly. He quickly grabbed it and made his way back to his bathroom. He slammed the door shut once more and locked it not caring if anyone heard.

Jai sat back down on the ground in his previous position. He turned the blade over a few times making him smile a little. Jai knows that this is bad but he couldn't find the strenght to care anymore. He grabbed the edge of his sweatshirt and tugged the black material up towards his elbow. Dozens of scars decorated his wrist and forearm some old some new. The brunette grabbed the shiney razer and placed along his wrist. He didn't even flinch at the slight sting that came along when he dragged it across. Rich red blood bubbled to the surface of the wound. Jai stared blankly at the red line. He made another and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly at the pain that follow. The Aussie pulled up his other sleeve reveal another arm full of scars.

"Worthless." Another cut "Ugly." another one "Stupid." another "Fat, freak, messed up, pathetic, waste of space, good for nothing." with each word another cut was added to the collection on both limbs. Jai didn't feel the pain anymore, everything was dull and numb to him. "Better of dead." The blade slashed along his wrist deeper than the others. The blood pooled out of the cuts and on to the once spotless white floor.

"Shit." He quietly cursed under his breath, his mind becoming hazy. Jai didn't mean to go that deep. He tried to stand up but was becoming weaker at an alarming speed. His legs gave out from under him and made him fall to the ground knocking over a couple of shampoo bottles that sat on the counter. A thick fog crept over his mind due to the amount of blood he was losing.

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