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Thank you so much to everyone who is commenting and voting! I can't believe this is only my fourth chapter and I already have almost 500 reads!! Thank you so much!! <3 <3 <3 <3

Trigger Warnings: eating disorder, slight depression, and foul language.

James alway thought negatively about his imagine but ever since the janoskians fan base grew, those thoughts amplified 10x. He started to go to the gym everyday, cut back on calories and stopped eating junk food. The numbers on the scale went down slowly but it wasn't enough. James cut out lunch completely from his diet. After a month of not eating lunch, the numbers went down quicker but it still wasn't enough.

He went to only eating one meal a day, breakfast which only consisted of toast or an apple. He started to drink a lot of water and took multivitamins everyday. James life seemed as if it only revolved around numbers on a scale, as if those numbers measure his true beauty and his true character. His life became a constant battle between the voices in his head and the comments of his fans. This was his life for the next year.

The blaring alarm clock pulled James out of his dreamless sleep. The brunette slapped at the clock attempting to turn it off. The noise finally stopped and he let out a satisfied sigh as he turned his head into the fluffy pillow. Just as James was about to fall back into sleeps hold, his eyes popped open as remembered he had to go to the gym. The Aussie rolled to the edge of the bed and swung his legs off the edge. His muscles and bones groaned in protest at the sudden movement. After he stretched his sore muscles he stood up on wobbly legs.

As James made his way to his bathroom, he made sure he steered clear of any mirrors or reflective surfaces. Every time he saw his reflection he only sees all of his flaws. He could describe in detail every single flaw he thought he had. When he looked in a mirror was a pathetic, overweight boy who will never be good enough.

The Aussie hurried to his bathroom and took a quick cold shower. He got ready in work out clothes and didn't even bother to style his hair. He grabbed his phone, wallet, and gym bag. Then hastily walked out his room and down the stairs. As James passed the kitchen a voice called out to him, "Oi James! Aren't ya gonna eat?" The voice had a strong Australian accent that could only belong to one person, Daniel.

James took a deep breath and faced his friend, "Yeah, at the gym I'll have a smoothie. I'm running late." He hated lying to one of his closest friend but James did not wish to worry Daniel with what he thought were petty issues. Daniel gazed at him unsurely but eventually he nodded slightly and turned his attention back to his tea. James sighed in relief and made his way out the house.

The drive to the gym was longer than usual because of an accident on the highway. Once he arrived at the workout place, he went straight to a treadmill that sat in the farthest corner, away from many people and mirrors. After setting the machine to his preference, the brunette dropped his gym bag on a near by bench and pulled out his phone and head phones. He stepped onto the treadmill, selected his workout playlist, then he pressed the start button on the treadmill.
Everyone in the Janoskian household started to wake up and made their way to the kitchen. Soon the sleepy boys sat around the kitchen table clutching a cup of piping hot tea in one hand and their phones in the other. The only one who wasn't sitting was Daniel, who was leaning against the white marble countertop. He stared blankly at a certain square on the floor, seemingly in deep thought.

Beau turned his attention away from his phone and to his friend, "Oi! Skip? Ya okay? You been staring at the floor for almost a hour." This comment made the twins look up from their phones and towards Daniel.

Daniel never took his gaze off the floor, "Have you noticed James lately? He's been acting different." He stared at the ground for a few more seconds then brought his gaze to the three boys at the table.

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