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I was a little bit behind her so when I got there I could see Gonner and Dixie... kissing. I didn't know what to do or how to feel so I ran off. 'Why does she steal everything I like?' I thought as I ran out of the woods. I ran past Ansley's house planning on going to the clearing by on the other side of the town. Since the woods circle around the town there is a huge clearing on the other side of the town, by Anley's house. As I was running I heard Ansley call for me. I decided to stop and look at her. "oh my god, Y/n are you okay? Why are you crying? Who did what?" she says walking up to me looking very concerned. I look away trying to wipe my tears. I hear the door to her house open and close, I turn and look over Ansley's shoulder to see her friends. "I'm fine Ansley" I say, trying to get her off of me.

Somehow I end up in her house with her friends in a circle, while I tell them about Dixie and what she has done in the last three days. "She is so dead when I see her" Ansley looked pissed after I finished. "But Dixie has this whole rumer saying you beated her up after school one day" Dereck stated. Dereck is one of the three guys in Ansley's friend group. Ansley stands up looking Derek in the eyes and says "Y/n would never hurt anyone unless they deserved it. NOW if any of you have anything bad to say about Y/n say it now and get out but if not then we can start our movie. Y/n makes the best popcorn." I smile up at Ansley and thank her.

After four movies I decided to go home. My brother had already left for work. So I thought a shower and some dinner would be nice before going to sleep and that's what I did. But at 7am I was woken up by an unknown call. I picked it and it was my deadbeat of a dad calling to say my brother was in the hospital and to stay with Ansley. Her mom knew what happened and that he called her to say I would need a place to stay.

I walk to Ansley's house with a bag on my shoulders filled with some of my stuff. When I got there I was more than tired and hungry since it was an hour long walk. I can see Ansley's mom and Ansley.


I'm sorry for not writing the Wifi in my house went down

once was warm liquid is now cold {gonner x reader}Where stories live. Discover now