First day on the job

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Nieves POV:

Arriving at the building I felt nervous wondering if I'll be good at the job but I decided to just walk on in because I'll get no where standing outside just staring. I walk up to the main desk and ask the receptionist "hi I'm nieve Lockwood I'm here for the work experience with Jim beach" she smiled and told me "up the stairs to the left and his office will be the fifth door down" I smiled and thank her as I made my way to his office.

I knocked on his door waiting for the ok to come in and as soon as I walk in I see four boys sitting on the sofa in his office I panic "oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had people with you I'm nieve  Lockwood for the work experience"
He smiled and said "it's no problem just wait outside for a wee minute and I'll be right with you" I nodded and went outside his office and sat in a chair and picked up a magazine waiting for Mr beach to see me. Little did I know I caught them four peoples eyes.

Freddie's POV:

We are currently chatting to Miami about our second album when we here a knock on the door "come on in" Miami says we thought it was just the receptionist coming to remind him of a meeting but then I heard a voice that was to small to be the receptionist and I assume the others had the same thought as we all turned around to see who it was poor girl looked so nervous and panicky "oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had people with you erm i'm nieve Lockwood for the work experience" miami smiled and told her it was ok and to wait outside

She quickly scurried out the door probably really nervous "so Miami who was that" I asked "that was nieve she is doing work experience with her school and choose to work with me which reminds me she'll be working with yous as well I'm going to send her to keep an eye on yous as I'm busy at the minute with loads of meetings these next few months she's only 16 so be nice and don't make her job harder than it has to be" I smiled "Miami we never make peoples jobs hard"

We got up to leave and we headed out the door spotting the girl sitting outside reading this magazine we then left to the car to go back to Brian's to write some more songs I swear if I hear about rogers car song one more time I'm going to lock him away and replace him.

Nieves POV:

Mr beach calls me into his office and he tells me to take a seat "honestly love there's nothing to worry about you won't have any tuff jobs here I want you to look after the boys you just seen in here as I am going to be busy the next few months if you do a good job I may give you the job permanently and you'll get paid but trust me they are no hassle except for roger if he suggests his car song ignore him" I nodded and asked when do I start " tomorrow you'll meet the boys here and they will drive you to where ever they end up going honestly I can never keep track and please make sure they don't get in trouble" I nodded and left the building on my way home when a car pulls up beside me

"Hello love you need a lift home" I turn to see the guys that where in Jim's office " oh no I'm fine trust me I'm not that far" as I say that it starts raining but I still am protesting until the blonde guy got out of the car and put his jacket around me and told me to get in the car because in his words "I'll catch a cold and then I'll be sick on the job" we arrived at my house and I bid my goodbye giving the blonde guy his jacket back to him and walk up to my front door going inside and getting dried

Heading to bed after a long day awaiting the longer day to come tomorrow where I have to look after the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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