Chapter 10: I choose You (Finale)

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[So far since I got into Moren High School i have messed up a lot but I lost track of everything and now its too late for any take backs. I spent so much time chasing after Maddy that i messed up my G.P.A i didn't even have a single B in my result but everyone else seemed to have had their school life covered i mean

Mckay got 3.5 which was shocking considering the fact that he's a genius

Ryan got a 4.6 Guess he was on flit the whole time then

Even Nate scored 4.1, everyone except me nailed it, then there's maddy philip scoring almost a perfect 5.0 but it was 4.9 as you know she got straight

(Joey is texting with Dawn, and it was only natural that her contact was saved as Dbest💓💝💝, i mean its not the most romantic but they still acted more or less like besties and not bf and gf you know)


Joey; I really miss you so much!!

Dbest💓; I miss you too babe.

Joey; Damn this sucks this summer
        break never wants to end!!

Dbest💓; Relax you'll be back to sch
                 pretty soon.

Joey; Not that am looking forward to

Dbest💓; Senpai don't tell me your still
                 thinking about the term end
                 results i told you that's just....
                 how the school is trust me eh
                 am sure next term you'll do...
                 way better k.

Joey; Thats easy for you to say you got
         a 4.7 in your class. But either way
         am really excited to see you once
         summer vacation is over!

Dbest💓; Yeah about that so em em eh
                babe don't freak out but my....
                mum said that we wont be eh
                back in time so you won't see
                me at the schools mixer.

Joey; Thats a bummer well then when
         will i get to see you?

Dbest💓; Maybe two weeks after sch
                is fully in session again.

Joey; Wtf seriously 2 weeks thats way
           way too long

Dbest💓; Yeah I know but you'll just
                 have to wait till then.

Joey; I guess its ok,

Dbest💓; Listen i gotta go my mum
               needs me we'll talk later k.

Joey; Yeah.

Dbest💓; Bye 😘

(Chat ended)...........................................

[Since i confirmed that Nate was a fucking two timer we hadn't spoken or texted each other for about 4 days i needed to clear the air but when i tried to text him i noticed that he blocked me and when i tried calling it didnt work am he probably blacklisted me and as for his reason for doing so am guessing he knows that am the reason why both Ema and Lexi know that he's two timing them, so i took to the group chat to sorth it all out]     

Class group chat.............................

Joey; Wow nate that was real mature of you to do 

Ryan; what are you talking about?

Joey; Nates online right?

Ryan; Yeah cant you tell

Joey; Well nate i know you can see
         this message so you can quit ...
         acting immature

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