Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
It was the middle of your freshman year, a bright sunny day with a soft cold breeze. Your classmates around you gossiped and cooed to their friends. You made sure not to eavesdrop and tried to stay out of their way; the looks you got were unpleasant, with soft snickers when you had their back to them. During your first year at Hawkins High, you became the new target for bullies and gossip. Especially when introducing yourself, your voice had decided to jumble in your throat, and when you tried to get through the desks, your ass accidentally pushed off a student's notepad and water. You felt horrible, and during the day, many gave you dirty looks, looking you up and down.
During that year of high school, you'd be made fun of for being a bigger girl. You couldn't help it...but how you met your best friend, the bullying had certainly got too extreme. You were constantly pushed into lockers, getting tripped, and it got so bad that when taking a walk to Lover's Lake, to use it as a pause to calm down from the stress of school and life. Some boys had followed you; they tore off your backpack and slammed you into the hard rock just before dragging you into the water. You screamed and cried for help. The boys were relentless, though, putting your head underwater, calling you horrible names after they pulled you up for air. It felt like it lasted for hours before a fist came into contact with one of the boy's jaws. You were dropped as the others scrambled to help their friend. You coughed out some inhaled water and zoned out for what seemed forever. You were soaking wet, wet sobs in the air and hearing nothing around you but static. You screamed and backed away when you felt a hand land on your shoulder. A soft voice came, their hand rubbing comforting circles on your back. You looked up to see the most soothing brown eyes you've ever seen. You leaped into his arms and sobbed, having him lift you to your feet and walk home with your backpack across him. Your mother had come rushing out, taking you from the stranger's hands, ushering him inside as she cleaned you up. For a 16-year-old, you were embarrassed to have been seen like this by your parents...and some stranger, but you were too tired to care. That day, that one day is when you met your best friend...and you forgot to ask his name.
It was the last day of summer and the beginning of your senior year. You were excited for your final year of constant torment, and the air today felt friendly against your skin. Since that day with the water, you joined a swim team and began working out, it was hard, but your best friend helped you. He certainly helped with calming down the harsh bullying and losing some of the weight helped a lot as well.
So when you woke up, you cracked your back, yawned softly, and looked to the window to see it open. Your eyes widened, and you scampered out of bed to close it when you heard a hearty laugh at the doorway.
"It's about time you woke up, sleepy head-"
You whipped your head to see Eddie, your face scrunched in a bit of frustration and relief.
"Damn it, Eddie, I thought I talked to you about not leaving the window open- and not telling me you were gonna visit!"
You huffed softly at him as he walked over and patted your cheek.
"Will it make you feel better that I made you hot chocolate and Eggo waffles?"
A squeal escaped your pink lips as you bounced up and down. Eddie smiled. Moving out of the way, you quickly ran to the door.
"That worked like a fucking charm. Glad to see you're not pouting anymore."
With a twist of your foot, you were now looking at Eddie again; your (E/C) clashed with his milk chocolate irises.
"I don't pout, Munson."
Eddie lifted his eyebrow in amusement, and a cocky smile spread across his cheeks.
"Oh? Then what do you do (Y/N)."
"I grumble, Eddie, I grumble, I don't pout."
"Okay, okay, sure you do, bud. See, the problem with that is, I pout."
Eddie struts forward and flicks your bottom lip, causing you to let out a squeak.
"I can tell when you're pouting when your bottom lip sticks out. Your cheeks become plumper, and you start to look like a cute bunny with that scrunched nose."
You unfold your arms and punch him gently. Eddie just laughed. Hurrying down the stairs, you followed quickly. While also adjusting your oversized T-shirt and picking a wedgie before spying the dinner table. It was small and Eddie was resting his feet on the top of it and the other side had a plate of waffles and Hot chocolate. You ruffled his hair as you passed and he laughed softly,
"Did you make yourself any, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind. Plus, I'd feel bad eating in front of you."
"Nah, it's okay (Y/N) I ate before I came over. Though, your dad certainly gave me a hard time again."
You groaned softly, you cheeks turn a soft pink.
"Awe, what did he say this time?"
Eddie took his legs off the table and leaned in, a soft pink dusting his cheeks as well.
"Well, your dad is confident that you've got me as an enslaved person, or I must be your boyfriend. Your old man's really not letting that go."
You sputtered a bit and grimaced. Eddie's face softened.
"Man, I'm sorry he keeps doing that. He does the same with every other boy I bring over as well. Especially when they do nice things for me."
"Hah! You bring other boys over? You've certainly changed (Y/N). Becoming a cougar already."
Eddie snorted when you threw a waffle at him. Quickly you finished your drink and the rest of the waffles, watching as Eddie shrugged and munched.
"Shut it, I am not a cougar. you want concept art for your upcoming DnD caimpaign Hellfire?"
"Well, hell yea I do (Y/N). Why would you even ask that? Your art helps me see what I'm imagining."
"Pfft...Thanks. Well shouldn't you being going? I kinda...still have to change to some...not night clothing."
Your cheeks get slightly brighter in its shade of pink, as you look down at your black undies and your oversized white T-shirt. Eddie blushed and quickly turned away.
"Shit! Sorry, I didn't even realize you were still in Pj's. A-anyway, you're still coming to hang at my place?"
"Yea! Of course, Robin and Steve are working plus, I don't wanna ditch my best buddy! Now go! Shoo! I have to get ready!"
Eddie laughs as you chase him around and out of the house, waving happily goodbye before shutting the door and doing your daily routine.
Once ready, you skip your way over to Eddie's, knocking on his trailers door and barging right in.
"Eddie! I'm here!"
You tell throughout the home, Eddie peaking his head out from his room. He quickly comes out and charges right into you. Which very quickly turned into a wrestling match. Which you lost, taking many breathers stuck in so many goofy positions. Your thigh across his neck, him putting you in a choke hold, and so many more. It last for at least thirty minutes before both of you plopped down on the couch sweating like crazy andheaving for air.
"I won, huff I shall always be champion huuff. (Y/N) Bow down before your king."
"Never...huff you punk ass bitch...huff You just know how to use huff my own weight against me."
You and Eddie sit for a while before he turns to you. Which you quickly copied, sweating sticking to your forehead.
"So, what do you want to do today...want me to take you to do your girly things like mall shopping?"
"Nah....fuck...that wore me out. Shit-"
Eddie's cackle made you crack a smile. He wipes the sweat off his brow and you sigh softly,
" stuff is not girly,I just enjoy looking at all the cute stuff. Plus stealing more overpriced art supplies."
"Fair enough, (Y/N) do you want to go do that and then see a movie? I heard The Goonies was hella good. Plus, with your purse you can definitely sneak in my drinks and your favorite snacks."
The thought of going to the movies, made you perk up from your tiredness and you excitedly nodded your head.
"Oh my goodness! Absolutely! I can pay for it this time, I can't have you wasting your money on me!"
Eddie looked at you with distaste, and you shrugged before getting up. Your leg buckling underneath you, which you quickly caught yourself.
"Shit, I've noticed that's been happening more often? You okay, man?"
"Yea, I'm fine, I think I just need to stop doing leg workouts for a while...Anway! Let's go Eddie! The mall doesn't wait!"
Eddie got up from his seat, watching as you somewhat limped to his van. You turned to him with a soft smile.
"C'mon Eddie! I'll race you!"
The man quickly dashed laughing as you sprint, the limp in you leg went away as you barely made it to the van. Eddie easily beats you to his van. You jumped into the passenger side and popped in a Black Sabbath CD.
"I'll be paying for it all...your not a waste of money (Y/N). I...don't like it when you say stuff like that."
You look down at the boots you were wearing, slightly ashamed.
"Hey! No pouting! I was just commenting...I want you to know you are worth all my money."
Eddie laughs, slapping you on the shoulder and starting up his van. A light pink spread across his cheeks, seeing you perk up, a cute smile spreading across your face.
"Ah Thanks, Eddie. I appreciate that."
"Of course, now off to the mall! The queen demands it!"
You giggle as he reverses the van and drives off to the mall. On the way, you watched the houses and trees go by, the way the birds would dart across the road. When you both arrive at the mall, you happily get out, running to the other side and grabbing Eddie's hand. He chuckled as he was dragged into the mall, quickly locking his van. You admired the beautiful lights in the mall. You turn to Eddie smiling softly and ready to adventure. You quickly went to the directory, trying to find your favorite store. Quickly finding it on the board, you race to it. Eddie speed walking behind you.
"You know! For bad legs, you sure walk fucking fast!"
"Aha! It's just because I'm tall and mostly leg!"
You laugh, lifting your jeans to show off your defined calves. Eddie shakes his head and walks up next to you.
"So, where do you want to head first?"
"Well...I was hoping we could go to some clothing stores and get myself some nice school clothes."
Eddie nods and you drag him to your favorite store. He waits quietly with a small smile as you grab your favorite tops and bottoms. Walking up to the counter, you quickly notice Eddie digging out your wallet.
"Eddie- I'm not letting you pay for this."
"I said you're worth all my money- let me buy this for you."
"No, Eddie, I refuse. It's going to be super expensive."
"Let me pay for it, (Y/N)."
You dig into your jeans pocket, whipping out your wallet. You glare at Eddie, and he flashes back, slamming his wallet next to the clothing. You do the same, your nose scrunched along with your brows. The cashier jumps at the sound, looking between the both of you.
"Eddie, stop trying to be a sugar daddy, damn it."
"I'm just trying to be a good friend (Y/N)!"
"Urrgh! Eddie, let's make a deal since we are going to the movies. I pay for the stuff I get at the mall. You, with your goofy sugar daddy behavior, can pay for the movies and our food."
Eddie lifts a ringed hang to twirl his hair and thinks for a bit. You reach out your hand, and he quickly shakes it.
"Okay, deal."
You turn to the cashier, who looked a bit frazzled by the interaction, with a soft smile. You quickly paid for the clothes, and the rest of the time at the mall was browsing and goofing around. You were both tired of browsing and carrying things, so Eddie took your bags and led you back to the van.
"Ah! That was so fun,"
"I'm glad you had fun; gotta spoil yourself sometimes."
The van started, and both of you headed toward the theater. The movie started late, and when it ended, it was dark. You and Eddie spoke about the film for hours, but both knew you had to leave soon. So when you did, you felt your heart drop a little, a sad sigh leaving your lips. Eddie just patted you on the back, offering you a ride to your place.
"Hey, it won't take long. It's dark, plus it's dangerous for ladies to walk home at night."
"Eddie, I'm fine. I walked home at night from your place before, though we have school tomorrow. Are you still planning to pick me up?"
"Yea, the first day of school, ready for our senior year? And I can't help but get my boxers in a bunch with you."
"Ahah, yea, well. Gotta go."
"Yea...see ya (Y/N)."
You left his trailer with your bags of stuff, watching as he waves goodbye before shutting his door. A flutter in your heart makes you giddy, having you hop a little on your way home. When you make it home safely, you grab the wall phone and dial and call Eddie. He doesn't answer, which you assume is passed out by now. So you shower and get dressed in your giant T-shirt and go to bed. The bed squeaks under you, and your eyes flutter, thinking about Eddie and how fun he is to be around before finally closing softy.
Date: July/02/2022
by 🌸🕷GB/GothicCremes 🕷🌸
🌸You Can also find this on Tumblr/Ao3, and kind criticism would be very appreciated!🌸

-----Date: July/02/2022 by 🌸🕷GB/GothicCremes 🕷🌸🌸You Can also find this on Tumblr/Ao3, and kind criticism would be very appreciated!🌸

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