Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:
Waking up to your dad kissing you goodbye for work was sweet. However, you checked the clock on your nightstand, which read five-forty. Understandably you were pissed since your alarm would go off at six-thirty. So you tried to go back to bed, and you succeeded. The next time you woke up was when your alarm sounded off. A soft groan escaped your throat as you dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom.
You quickly discarded your clothing, looking at yourself in the Mirror. Your body was decent, having friends other than Eddie saying you were pear-shaped. When stepping on the scale, the weight was high, but you understand that it's because of the muscle in your legs. You also know it was because your thick build, mainly in the stomach and chest area, shyly enough.
Quickly turning around before the staring turned into something terrible, you turned on the shower. Once the bath was ready, you jumped in, letting the steaming water wake you up. The shower only took a few minutes, shaving your legs, washing your hair, cleaning your body. You turned off the shower and grabbed your towel, going to your closet to pick out an outfit. Digging through the drawers for a matching set of bra and undies, and your wardrobe for a comfortable yet fashionable shirt and pants.
A loud honk startled you out of your autopilot, which had you rushing a bit to get finished. You quickly pick out some socks, grab your backpack and slip on your shoes. You check the time, and it says six fifty-five; you've finished early. You step out the door, quickly spotting Eddie's van. A wide smile flashed across your face as the tired bags under your eyes hid underneath your cheeks.
Eddie quickly spots you, waving for you to hurry up, making you laugh softly. Quickly you hop into the van. Eddie pops in one of his CDs and drives off towards the school.
You dig through your bag, ensuring you have everything, and with a sly smile, you turn to Eddie.
"Hehehe, hey Eddie."
Eddie glances at you and groans, making you laugh even louder.
"Oh God, you're making that face. What are you planning, goofball?"
You only snicker, which makes him laugh a little. You then hold out your hand and look up at him.
"Give me your hand Eddie."
"What- No! I need my hands to drive, (Y/N)!"
"I only need one hand, Idiot!"
Eddie groans and dramatically plops his hand on yours. You giggle and begin playing with his fingers. Eddie glanced towards you again, a soft pink sprinkling across his cheeks. He sighs softly as he feels you gently mess with his hand and enjoys the moment.
"All you wanted to do was hold my hand?"
"Oh definitely, your hands are pretty remarkable. With all your special rings."
Eddie snorts at you, looking at the road, flicking you softly. You quickly shove something on one of his bare fingers and let go—He yelps at the sudden feeling.
"Aha! There, we go."
Eddie raises his hand, and you feel your heart flutter as a beautiful toothy smile lights up across his face. You watch as his brown puppy eyes light up and his pupils expand. You feel your face turn rosy and force yourself to sit up.
"I...I got that for you, Eddie. Do you like it?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? (Y/N) it's so badass! When did you get this for me? Yesterday?"
You nod shyly, looking up at him; Eddie ruffles your hair and gives a hearty laugh,
"How? I was with you the whole time!"
"Well...I may have lied when I said I needed to go to the restroom. I did have to piss, but- I wanted to give you something to show you how much you mean to me."
Eddie stops and parks the van, and you quickly notice that you're finally at the school. You take the chance to change the subject, and you turn to him with a smile.
"Let's hope we have a tremendous senior year, Eddie! See you at lunch."
Before Eddie could get a word out, you opened the door, grabbed your stuff, and darted into the school.
Eddie watches as you leave unexpectedly, his face a bright red. He lifts his hand to admire his new ring and lets your words replay in his head. Eddie smiles softly before getting his things and beginning his school day. Distracted the whole time, playing with his favorite ring...the one you got him.
During the first half of school, you had tried to focus on the classes. Only to end up failing and thinking about Eddie's happy face. Especially during English, which you shared with Robin, she sent small notes that caused you to blush. The bell rang for class, and Robin hopped over to you with a grin.
"Sooooooo, who's getting your mind all sidetracked? I know when one of my best friends is a bit starstruck."
You groan at Robins's sly words.
"I am not star-struck, just...thinking."
"Thinking about what?"
A deep voice that you recognize speaks up. It causes you and Robin to look up and see Steve looking between the two.
"Well, Steve, if you're so inclined to know, I gifted one of my guy friends something...and he made a face I wasn't used to."
Steve chuckles, walking in.
"You should talk about all of this star-struck behavior after school. That includes you, Robin, if (Y/N) doesn't spill to me. She's going to spill to you. Anyway, get to class; the bells are about to ring."
Robin curses under her breath, waving a quick goodbye as she rushes down the hallway while you are headed in the other direction. You make it to your study hall just as the bell rings. Looking around slowly, you spy Jason Carver, Patrick Mckinney, and Andy. You try your best to hide away from them, taking out your sketchbook and using art as a distraction. It worked for a while before a hand touched your shoulder. It made you jump, causing you to turn and see Jason next to you.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)."
You start to panic internally, and you quickly shut your book.
"H-hi Jason...what are you doing here?"
"Don't sound so scared...I'm just here to say hi."
"W-well, thank you-"
"What are you working on? More of Satan's art?"
You take a breath in and stare up at him nervously.
"No- no, I'm not. It's just for fun-"
He interrupts you rudely.
"Well, I did see you with that demon before, so I'm not sure your term of fun is...up to God's standards."
"P-please leave me be, Jason. I'm not trying to start anything."
"Oh, of course, chubby (Y/N) never liked confrontation...did she. Well, you've certainly lost a few, but don't forget. You'll always be the same."
"Well, I can't hang around you long, or I'll start getting unending cravings. Have a great day...."
Jason snickers, gripping your shoulder, making you wince in pain. He lets go and walks back to the table with a shit-eating smile. You feel the hurt crawl up your back, but you hold it and wipe your eyes. You continue to draw, sniffling a bit, trying your best to ignore the snickers.
The bell rang for lunch, and you waited for everyone to leave before you started packing your things. You dart into the hallway, dodging other students and teachers. When you quickly spot Robin and Steve ahead and try to catch up to them.
Eddie, though he had just gotten done with mathematics, strolled out and made sure people walked into him. A cocky smile on his face as he relished in the disgusting stares. He yawns before spotting you in the crowded hallways. He feels his heart flutter, and his mood gets brighter when suddenly he sees you fall.
When you try to catch up to Robin and Steve, you feel a foot move in front of yours. Screaming in surprise causes Robin and Steve to turn, seeing you trip and fall. They stop and book it towards you; Eddie does the same. They pick up your scattered papers and dropped books as you adjust your dress. You stand, Robin and Eddie Comforting you as you sniffle, tears filling your eyes. Steve, on the other hand, went up to the person who tripped you and chewed them out. It was one of the cheerleaders, and they ran away with tears and makeup down their face. Steve walked up to you and the others.
"You okay?"
Steve says, glancing back at Eddie, who only was focused on you. You smile up to both of the boys and laugh.
"Yea, I'll be fine. A small trip didn't hurt anyone! Plus I bet it was Jason's idea."
Steve stares at you, crooked.
"Jason? What does that asshole have to do with this?"
"Yeah? What does that basketball bimbo have to do with you getting tripped"
Eddie jumps in, Robin grinning as she runs gentle circles in your hands.
"Oh...well. He did say something to me in my study hall."
The group moved to the cafeteria and sat, you sit in the seat closest to the wall. Robin looks at you, motioning her hands for you to continue.
"I well...he made fun of me about my past and being big."
"Oh, he can suck my dick. Being big is beautiful!"
Eddie hissed, causing you and the others to smile.
"Thanks, Eddie..."
"Eddie's right though, Jason is just trying to mess with you. No matter what size you are, you'll always be you. I would beat the shit outta him but I don't want a suspension on my record."
Steve says carefully, Robin nodding with him.
"I would love to as well, but, Band kid babe right here. Unless you want me to play my trumpet in his ear."
You laugh and munch on your lunch. Looking at your friends, you feel relief taking over your body. Your shoulders relax as you speak.
"Thank you, guys; I appreciate you all for being my friends. I don't know what I'd do without you."
You look at Eddie when you say your last sentence. Eddie's eyes widened, and he chuckled, his heart jumping into his throat.
"Ahah- T-thanks (Y/N). You mean a lot to all of us."
Robin and Steve smirk at each other before standing. They left to sit at their own tables and chatted with their group. At the same time, you and Eddie sat in an awkward silence for the rest of the lunch. Eddies fingers tapping a tune.
The bell rings, signaling lunch was over and the class was to begin. You and Eddie went your separate ways, and the rest of the day was busy with classes, which none had you or Eddie in together.
The rest of the week flew by, and Eddie had started a new club. He and his other companions played D&D together on certain days after school. Eddie had your help with creating monsters and bosses, which you excitedly agreed to do every time.
Though when the weekend rolled around, you and Eddie had planned to relax together. The plans you always got happy, and always tried to dress pretty for.
So, Sunday was no exception. You had set your alarm to wake early, and when it went off, you got up wide awake. You raced downstairs, made yourself some breakfast, and saved the leftovers for Eddie. You noticed you were home alone, and you enjoyed the feeling of not having to worry.
You went upstairs, got your outfit set out, and grabbed your robe. You turned on the shower and hopped in. The water spilling down your back made you moan in relief. You poured shampoo into your hair and scrubbed it, grabbed your sponge, and began washing your body. The sponge washed your soft neck, down your collar bone, and rubbed into your large sweet breasts. It then cascaded down your large hips and thick thighs. The soft sponge then ventured in between.
You finished washing and rinsed off the soap, turned off the water, and stepped out. Grabbing the towel that hung on the sink; you began drying off; your eyes glanced at your robe and shrugged.
"No one is home...I'll be fine."
You walked out of the shower and into your room. You whipped your towel off without consideration and began moving around your room naked. A breeze stops you in your tracks, and you feel your heart drop as a voice pops in.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I-"
You turn around to see Eddie happily opening your window, not noticing your..predicament.
You scream, causing Eddie to look up in surprise. His eyes widen as he sees you jump for cover behind your bed. He let's out a startled scream, his face turning a bright red and as he slaps a hand over his eyes.
"(Y/N)! OH MY FUCK-"
Eddie quickly darts back outside, slamming your window shut and hurries down your house. He safely makes it back down to the floor and crouches down, letting out a groan. He rubs his face and tries to get the image out of his head.
A door opens which causes Eddie to stand straight, and stiff. He hears your soft voice and he struggles not to moan softly at its silky sound. He turns and sees you in a pale pink robe.
"H-hey Edward. Do you want to come in? I...made leftovers for you."
Eddie tenses hearing his real name and turns to you. He looks at your face and examines it, noticing how red your pretty face is and the furrow of your brows. He nods stiffly and walks into the house. Eddie goes to the couch, and you hand him a plate as he shyly avoids eye contact with you.
"I'm...gonna get ready and we can head to your place, okay? Let's forget that ever happened. Very embarrassing for the both of us, y'know."
Eddie nods and watches as you go back upstairs to your room. He digs into his food and tries to get the images out of his head. Eddie finishes and goes into the kitchen, cleaning his plate and putting it into the sink. On his way to the couch, he bumps into a corner and gasps. He flushes brightly and looks down to see his groin pushing against his black jeans.
The metal head hears you coming back downstairs and rushes to the toilet. He quickly runs in, shutting the bathroom and locking it when he hears you curiously yell for him.
"Eddie! I'm done! Where are you?"
"I'm in the bathroom! I'll be a bit; you can wait in the van! My keys are on the table!"
"Okie Dokie, Thanks!"
Eddie presses his ear to the door and sighs with relief, hearing the door open and close. Knowing you're out of the house, he turns on the sink and puts it on cold. Nervously Eddie unbuckles his belt, unbuttoning and then pulling his zipper down. He tests the sink's water and hisses at its freezing temperature but grimaces as he pulls his pants down.
"C'mon- why the fuck did you have to show up now. Just because you saw your best friend naked, what the hell is wrong with me."
Eddie softly moans as he pushes his boxers down, letting his penis pop out. He glares at it with disgust and groans in frustration.
"No more of- this!"
He fails his arms, motioning to his dick, and growls.
"You- little asshole, are taking an ice bath to chill the fuck out."
Eddie takes a cupped hand and fills it with the freezing water. He kicks off his pants and boxers, pushing them to the side, so they don't get wet. Eddie pours the water, grimacing at the discomfort as he tries to think about something disgusting.
It takes at least ten more times before he finally goes soft. Eddie shivers a bit as he puts his boxer back on, adjusting himself and then putting on his jeans. Eddie quickly cleans the floor and turns off the sink. He then fixes his belt and walks out to his van, locking the door behind him.
You see in the corner of your eye that Eddie was walking towards the van. A smile lights on your face and you wave to him, making him wave back. You begin jamming out as Eddie opens the door and he laughs softly.
"I see you're rocking out without me. I feel so betrayed!"
Eddie puts a hand up to his chest and pretends to die, making you laugh softly.
"Awe, no, Eddie! What am I going to do now! My Best friend is dead? Who am I to share my drawings with now?"
You cover your face and pretend to sob. Eddie only chuckles and sits up, rubbing your back.
"Nah, I could never do that to you, Sweetheart. I could never die! Not to the likes of God!"
You look up and laugh. Eddie looks to you and puts his seatbelt on, starting up the van. Which you sigh in relief, that the incident before didn't cause any tension.
The van starts up, and Eddie presses on the gas, making the van drive off to his trailer park.
Arriving safely at Eddie's trailer, you hopped out, barging in and making yourself at home. Eddie laughs as he shuts the door behind him, going into his room and pulling out two rolled joints.
"You want to loosen up a bit and watch a horror movie?"
Eddie holds up a joint to you and you take it. You look at him and smile, putting the joint down to the side.
"I would love to, but I must go home after this. You know that, silly goose!"
"Awe, bummer. I don't understand why you can't just spend the night."
"You know my dad would freak out."
"Ah, true...well, I can't smoke either. You might get second-hand high."
"Ah...well, let's start the movie marathon!"
Eddie stands, posing like a warrior pointing at the TV, making you giggle. Eddie relished in your giggles and smiled widely.
You stand with him and go to rummage through his horror movie stash, which makes you get on your knees. The outfit you had picked out was a black turtleneck and a red leather mini skirt, which happened to ride up when you got on your knees. You happily dug through the movies before you found one.
Eddie, on the other hand, stopped his silly pose and sat down, watching what you were doing, but he choked on his spit when he looked down again and saw your black panties. He quickly looked away when you found the movie and handed it to him sweetly, unaware.
"Here, Eddie! I found the movie Silver Bullet! I know you love Stephen King's movies. Could you put it in?"
Eddie swallows heavily and nods, putting in the movie. You cheer happily and settle into the couch, which Eddie sat at the edge of. You frowned a little bit, but during the day and night, you had gotten the chance to get closer to him. At some point, you heard Eddie yawn, and you forced him to lay on your shoulder; you gently scratched his head. You blushed softly as he made soft sounds before he jutted up embarrassed and apologized.
"Hey, it's okay, Eds. Lay down; I know you're tired. I'll wake you when I have to go."
Eddie looks at you with his doe eyes hesitantly but lays his head down on your lap with a sigh. Gently he wrapped his arm behind your back for comfort. You squeal happily, scratching his head once more. He subconsciously began making soft noises, which caused you to blush. You even gasped as he unconsciously held your waist tightly, groping your hips. His soft snores then reached your ears, and you softly smiled, enjoying the sweet moment.
Another hour had passed as you admired the man in your lap. Eddie rested softly, and you very regretfully had to wake him up. You speak softly to him, rubbing his back to wake up, which failed. You then blow a gentle air into his ear, as you try to lure him awake.
"Eddiiieee...I have to leave Edward...I can't leave if your cute ass is laying on me.... come on, goofball; you have to wake up. You need to sleep in your bed..."
You cooed softly to him, gently waking him up. Eddie tiredly woke up, and with a soft groan, he sat up. You smiled softly, using one of your hands to cup his cheek, rubbing it softly. You took the hair out of his mouth and stood. He lazily followed your moments and softly grunted.
"I have to go, Eddie; it's time for you to go to bed and sleep."
"....mmhf..yea...see you at school."
You smiled sweetly at him as he slurred his words and waved goodbye as you left the trailer. You shut and locked the door behind you and walked home happily. Enjoying the night sky, you thought about how sweet Eddie looked sleeping. How his face looked so soft, and how soft his hair was...and how plump and pretty his lips were. You blushed at your thoughts and shook your head.
"(Y/N)! What are you thinking about! Your best friend since freshman year? Get your mind out of the gutter!"
You quickly spotted your house and walked to it, your dad greeting you and asking how your day was. Which you explained to him happily, leaving out the events of this morning and that night out. He smiled happily at you and ushered you to bed before you turned back to your dad.
"Hey, Dad?
"Yes sweetheart? What do you need?"
"I..., can I go to Edward Munson's place tomorrow? And...can I have some money to rent a movie? I want to surprise him with it."
Your father joked about how you were always at Eddies, which was true. Though he did agree to let you go over again and left money on the counter for the movie rental.
You thanked your dad and gave him your traditional hug and kiss goodnight. You rushed upstairs into your room, where you undressed and got ready for bed. Taking another shower and then finally l in bed. You hummed one of Eddie's favorite songs and slowly fell asleep...thinking about the day you'll have tomorrow.
Date: July/06/2022
by 🌸🕷GB/GothicCremes 🕷🌸
🌸You Can also find this on Tumblr/Ao3, and kind criticism would be very appreciated!🌸

-----Date: July/06/2022 by 🌸🕷GB/GothicCremes 🕷🌸🌸You Can also find this on Tumblr/Ao3, and kind criticism would be very appreciated!🌸

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