Swinging on a Star

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"Hellllllooooo, London!" the man exclaimed with aplomb.

The crowd simply replied with some brouhaha and applause.

"Here's what you've allllll been waiting for-Herrrrmaaaaaann's Hermits!"

Unearthly screeches rang out from the copious persons filling the seats behind me. I clapped politely as a result of my peculiar ataraxia, and adjusted my wrap with couth as five familiar men strutted onstage. The charismatic Herman walked at the forefront of the band, followed by Karl, Keith, Barry, and finally, to my amusement, Lek.

As I had expected, they began with "I'm Into Something Good". Lek, as a result of his unwielding audacity, and I locked eyes immediately before he began his guitar solo, a fine demonstration of his connoisseurship. I broke eye contact and nervously shuffled the things lying in my lap. I knew my alexithymia was getting the best of me.

They proceeded with "A Must to Avoid", "Silhouettes", and ended with "Can't You Hear My Heartbeat?". As the band walked offstage, the crowd still lingered as crepuscle fell. The feature act was leaving, designating the denouement of the concert, and I was prepared to meet them with delectation.

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