Prologue an old tale

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let me tell you a story that has been lost to time for young people an dragons in the Archipelago long ago the world was different dragons an humans live together in peace there strange an unknown dragons that people can only dream of seeing an meeting in a kingdom call ellavta  there were also dragons gods a few who rule over the hole realm each one powerful an who each follow there rule expect one day one of the oldest god a dragon name scar decide that he should rule an made humans began to believe that dragons were evil an began to kill them to get rid of them an as more evil an darkness grew so did scar who grew to love this  soon after that a terrible war happen between humans an dragons one god name scarlet who was the second oldest an the sister to scar fought back for egos till finally a great battle happen an the two were force an steal into  two kingdoms that  the two could never leave an force to live there but went that happen the world split dragons an people once  who live in ellavta were not gone an force an move to other parts of the world but as time grew up the tale of ellavta was lost to those who did not live in Atheau realm but fear not to the reader who find this book the tale an story is still alive an i knew team will arise in the atheau realm to remake it great 

sigh by scarlet 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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